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Slalom Course in the state of Maine


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  • Baller
Hey ballers, I was thinking of setting up a temporary slalom course at our camp in Maine. Is anyone familiar with the requirements? I went to the Maine government website and found that it had to be 200' from the shoreline, but I could not find anything with regards to permitting. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
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  • Baller
When in Maine for a wedding in 2017 I got in touch with a guy in Standish, Maine who was the contact for a novice tournament that was in the guidebook (or on the USAWS website). He was real nice, offered to take me skiing on the pond they have a course on. I’ll check through my emails to see if I can find his info’.
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  • Baller
I’ve had a course in Maine for about 5 years. I called the state five years ago and can confirm that no permit was required (at least then). Warden often on our lake and has seen it several times each year so I believe this is still true.... what lake are you on? Waterskiers in Maine are like white buffalo....
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  • Baller
@Jaypro We’re in limerick about 90 min from bethel. Course is in whenever the lake isn’t too crazy. Typically we pull the course on Friday and put it back in Sunday night or Monday. After Labor Day it stays in. Lots of work but it’s necessary to keep the natives from getting restless... ?
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  • Baller
@Jaypro were really happy with our ez slalom. When we have 3 people in the boat we can deploy in under 30 min, anchor to anchor... when you figure loading stuff in the boat it’s more like an hour. Extraction is actually a little slower for us. Maybe 45 min. Here’s a video of us in action-not instructional but gives you an idea of the process....
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  • Baller
I grew up and learned to ski on that lake in Limerick, Sokokis. We still have a place there. My parents living there most of the time now. I had a jump on the lake from mid 70s to very early 80s but not a slalom coarse. Had to have a permit and didn't have too much resistance. I lived there for a couple years after college in the mid-late 80s. I put a slalom coarse in (got a permit from the state) through the Ice. As @Clydesdale said, the natives got restless, filed a lot of complaints and they yanked my permit the next year. I go up there now and then and love to see, sometimes ski Clydes coarse. Go ULM. Anyone know who I am? Besides Horton and Clyde probably.
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