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Zero Off Software Upgrade Cable Connector


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  • Baller

Hi Guys - I am making my own data cable at work with EE guys and need help with the spec/name of this connector. It appears like a standard CAN connector but hard to be sure with this pic on ZO website. Anyone know? Or if someone on here could take a pic of the connector on theirs 2015 + ProStar?8lfiw5souomm.jpeg


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  • Baller

There are quite a few of those cables hiding out there among the driver geeks. Thanks @Not_The_Pug for loaning yours to me and @Jody_Seal for the offer - the first people I contacted. The kit isn't terribly expensive and was readily available from ZO. Not worth building your own.


ZO was great in supporting the upgrade. Quick return of my call and solved my issue (I bought two upgrades at once and it was confusing to get both properly loaded). Easy program to upload out at the lake.


The mount of the new antenna was non trivial. Lots of time under hard to reach places. It would have been easier if I just clipped the wires but I tried to salvage the one puck that seemed to still work (Stan's boat has a bad puck so it might help him). I just left the other puck in place. Once the puck was out the rewire was straightforward.


Finding the plug on the back of the engines was the hardest part of the job - they are well hidden.


I did custom make a wiring harness for the American Skier. The harness that came with the kit had a bunch of extra plugs and complexity (compatibility with both the new antenna and the old pucks and some extra instrument adaptability?). Mouser had the standard automotive plugs and I was able to really clean up the wiring. Spent a lot of time (and money) building it.



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