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Skiing with carpal tunnel syndrome/arthritis:


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  • Baller

Hi Guys!


Just wondering if anyone has any tips or advise to reduce the pain during skiing and after if you’ve got carpel tunnel or arthritis. My doctor is unsure at the moment which one I’ve got in my wrist/hands, due to the COVID-19 pandemic all non urgent stuff has been put on hold.

Any recommendations would be great as I’m only 26 and hopefully have many more years on the water!


Thank you

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  • Baller
If you are going to keep skiing, plan on going to the chiropractor often, and preferably a sports minded chiropractor. During the pandemic, chiropractors are classified as essential and they are open. It's April, the start of the ski season, and you are 26. You should feel like Superman everyday at this point in time. Go to the chiropractor ASAP.
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  • Baller

Best advice is to use gloves that can minimize the load on your hands. I had the signs of carpal tunnel with a lot of pain in my wrists around age 38. I tried a bunch of different gloves but the only ones that worked were Masterline Pro Locks. I’m sure the Radar version would have the same results but I’ve just stuck with Masterline since they did the trick. I’m 43 now and haven’t had issues or pain since I started using the Pro Locks. I also really like the neoprene “cushioned” wrist wrap built into the Masterlines.


I will say this type of glove has a strange feeling at first and the palm strap adds some thickness to the glove so I use a small diameter handle (0.94 inch).


Some say a curved handle helps, I didn’t find it to help me but I did go from a 12” long handle to a 13” too but find I still grip it as if I had a 12” handle but it gives me the option to widen my grip if needed.

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I've had tendonitis in both forearms (before I ever skied) and have also had tennis elbow in both elbows, so I have to be super careful with my arms. I'm 41 and had my first problems starting at 32.


Here are things that have worked for me (in addition to chiro and physiotherapist visits):


1) I stretch my forearms by bending my hand in both directions and holding with one finger at a time.

2) TENZ machine like Dr. Ho. (It gives little electro pulses which apparently confuses the nerves and relieves pain).

3) Take a bouncy ball or a Lacrosse ball and massage/roll the ball into all the painful spots... especially focusing near the joint.

4) I have also used clincher gloves. I have Masterline and Radar ones. I have narrow hands (I'm female) so I find the Radar ones fit me better.

5) Getting stronger by working out.


Good luck! Remember to keep stretching and massaging even after you heal to prevent future injury.




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