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Skiing without 55s


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  • Baller

You would think after skiing for so long without the pre-gates that it would be easy to judge when to pull out to time a good gate. My current method is to stand in the white wash, look at the boat approaching the gates, and try to judge the right distance for when to go. This has proved that my judgement of the proper distance is sporadic and thus has affected the consistency of my gates: either getting pulled in or dealing with slack right off the bat.


I recall some people using specific visual markers such as when the right gate buoy lines up with blah blah. Can anyone share the visuals that have helped them? Skiing at -22 and -28.

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  • Baller

Great question. I have never used 55's as a reference. My course never had them and even when I ski at sites with them and in tournaments, never use them. Before 55's were instituted, Schnitz taught the "when left gate ball lines up with 5 ball, start your pull out, stop your pull when the left gate ball lines up with 3 ball....your intensity my vary depending on head/tail conditions.


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