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2021 Radar Senate Binding Placement


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  • Baller


Set up my new 2021 Senate Lithium for a set yesterday. Recommended binding placement is 30.5”, was doing a quick swap in the boat from a 2015 senate and couldn’t get that far forward. Front boot is a radar Vapor on single plate.

For those running a 2021 Senate where do you have your binding?


Free skied yesterday at 29-7/8 and found it turned very quick on off side and maintained speed towards the wake. Much nicer then the 2015 I was coming off of.


Not sure if there’s benefit going farther forward, can always try and see.



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  • Baller
I'm on a 67" 2021 Senate Pro. REflex Front binder, 30 3/8 , some times 30 1/4. My ski partner runs his at 31 " (he runs 35 off at 34mph) I'm having trouble with off side and thinking of moving forward of stock to see if it helps. Maybe 30 5/8 You are really far back!
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  • Baller

@skialex it doesn’t look like I can the boot on the plate without drilling new holes.

Going as far forward as possible only gets me to 30-1/8


I will reach out to Radar on Monday and see if I need a different plate.

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  • Baller_

@BS74 Why would you think about trying it? Just try it. It will either be better or not, but either way you’ll know. Bring a screw driver in the boat so you can put it back mid set if you really don’t like the change. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.


@Fam-man Take your plate off the ski and see whether there are holes in the plate that will allow you to move the binder forward on the plate.


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Fam-man.....thanks for explaining what the problem was. We were all puzzled why you couldn't get to the 30.5" I've never seen a tape measure that starts 1" from the end........why would they even make one that doesn't start at zero????? I'm sure you're not the 1st person to mis-measure with it. Good luck with your new Senate. I just got one this past weekend as well.
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