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Any recommendations or tips

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  • Baller


Was just listening to the spray makers podcast on the work zone and took a video from last night. This is my opening pass (34/-22). As I watch in slow-mo I noticed I am primarily giving up my pull before as I am hitting the white water/trough which seems concerning as that sounds like when I should be about at max lean. It also seems I am taking about 1/3 of the distance across the course to do an edge change.


Any ideas on what I can do or should be focusing on?



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  • Baller

Well, according to the thread below, you are doing everything right as your shoulders are tilted greatly at the turn and your arms are bent across the boat and you're not running 41 in practice.


Maybe you need to swap your ski out with one based science? Otherwise, I got nothin.



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  • Baller

Looks like your focus is the turn when is should be the alignment and acceleration behind the boat. If this is your opener then it probably felt fairly easy and normal which means making the changes necessary to your alignment is going to take a fair bit of commitment. As everyone always points out here the best investment will be some ski school coaching.

For self help as a start point I’d be looking at the youtube videos on ski drills for alignment (lean drill / whips etc) away from the course - video yourself and make the changes until you look the same.....it wont feel as dynamic or as much fun as chasing the orange spheres but will allow you to at least recognise what the change in body position should feel like. Then try and replicate back in the course - long line /slower speed until it’s the same. Humbling but always worthwhile ....

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  • Baller

A couple things I'm working on, that I feel like I see here....


I feel like you lose a little too much speed (and width) before your gate turn-in. Assuming you have enough width maybe pull out a little later so you can turn in with more speed. In practice always turn in with speed. If you miss gates early, pull out a little later next pass.


Going into offside turns, through the turn, and offside cross, your head is tilted in line with your lean. Try to keep the head up, looking more down course.

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