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Unbalanced Hand Width Gripping the Handle?

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I never noticed this before, but watching the 2021 Swiss Pro, it seems Nate Smith uses a decidedly unbalanced hand width position on his handle. The left hand is all the way to the edge, but the right hand is much closer to the middle. This position is most noticeable and consistent on his gate, but even through the course - the left hand always grabs at the edge, but the right hand grabs closer to the middle (even if not always quite as far in as on his gates). Particularly since that's how he sets up on the gates, it has to be intentional.


I've never seen anyone discuss this on the forum in regards to Nate or just in general, though maybe I missed it. Now that I noticed it with Nate, I flipped through some other skiers and most seem to have balanced hand width, but check out Stadlbaur - same thing as Nate (pics below). Anyone have any insight or ideas here?


Here's some screenshots of Nate from this year, but I checked back to 2020 as well and it's the same. These are all gate shots, but again, watch the passes and his post-turn re-grabs are very similar.





And here's from 2020:




Here's Stadlbaur from 2020 (gate shot):





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@UWSkier RE: "extra length" - wouldn't that hold true for either end of the handle? Meaning, if it's significant, why not hold both hands at their respective ends, giving extra reach on both sides?
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my speculation and this is wild speculation is that these skiers like to have their thumb on the top of the handle and their second hand spacing is whatever it falls. I don't think this is some magical secret slalom technique.


On my gate pull out, the thumb of my left hand is on the end cap - I have no idea what the spacing is between my hands.

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@liquid d I believe that "pinch" you're describing is how Marcus Brown managed to seriously injure his left hand, forcing him to use a "clincher" style glove on that hand for the remainder of his pro career. (He continued to use a conventional glove on the other hand, IIRC)
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@RGilmore 100% wrong. Marcus's injury was because a loop of slack got around his hand and the handle and then the pull of the boat smashed it into the top of his ski. something like that. nothing to do with his grip. nearly lost a finger or two.
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Sorry, my mistake. Just repeating what I read on a forum that pre-dated BOS; not pretending to know Marcus OR having been there when it happened. But I DO know a guy who lost a finger almost the exact way you describe here - his was caught between a loop of slack and the pylon when the skier yelled "hit it".


And in an unrelated note, that's also the reason many rodeo ropers are missing digits - thumbs, mostly. Lots of videos on Youtube for those with stronger stomachs thane me.

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