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Connelly DV8 review has started


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I finally got off my butt and started this review yesterday. After not riding the DV8 for a couple of months I was reminded how fun the on side is and how easy it is to keep the line tight all the time. As always, I have to ski on it for a lot of consecutive sets before have too much to say.



Here is the unboxing if you missed it the first time.

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  • Baller

One thing I like about that tail right there is that it would be dead easy to get an accurate DFT measurement with that tail. So much harder to get that measurement right on skis with rounded and beveled tails... :|


Looking forward to the review!

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@jjackkrash so my feeling is that the biggest difference between the tails shows up from apex to exit of onside. The rounder the tail the deeper the ski settles.


In total I have maybe 15 rides on various versions of the ski. Now that the review has started I'm going to stay on DV8, get it dialed and then reassess the tails.

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  • Baller_

@wettek69 I can’t answer that question specifically. I know one guy had an idea and made it and another guy had a different idea and had the first guy print it. This was last fall. When I skied with the second guy in Florida a month ago, he was still using the tail he designed. I can say if they swapped and I don’t know what the first guy is doing.


The second guy has be involved in testing the DV8 when it was in development.


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Being that I am committed to revamping parts of my skiing this year, this review is even more interesting.


Before I get to the interchangeable tails I am trying to set a really good baseline on the ski. I am using the square tail for now and mostly working on my skiing instead of thinking about the ski as much. Since I am working on technique I am not shortening the rope much. Most rides are 2 32s and 4 or 6 35s.


I expect the final review will include some of the following

  • The ski works best when the skier does not go extra hard from ball to ball

  • The ski is plenty fast

  • The Off Side turn is ridiculously good

  • As I improve my onside technique the ski is also getting better. Not that it was bad to start with but the ski is responding very will to the improvements I am making in my skiing.

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