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new ski recommendation for a beginner.


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I'm a beginner. The speed of the boat I can ride is about 31mph and the rope length is 18.25m.

For more information, I'm a man using syndicate v-type 68size and 177lbs and 177cm tall.


I want to purchase the other ski, but I don'k know much..

I'm looking for a used ski Radar Vapor 2019, Syndicate Pro etc..

But some people say these skis can be difficult for me to ride... ㅜㅜ


Can u recommend me some skis for me?


Thank u for reading my poor English..





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  • Baller

How old are you?

Do you ride in a course?


If you ride in a course and your top speed will be 36mph go for a high end ski like the one you mentioned. Just work a lot on good body alignment. Then you will have a ski that will last.


If your top speed is 34mph and running in a course or just a recreational skier. Go with with some more surface as a Radar Senate. It will be easier on your body. The Senate is available in different materials. The more expensive ones are faster but also a bit less forgiving.

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@MBlohm thank you for your reply. I'm 25 and a recreational skier... haha

Radar Senate? thank you. But I'm living in a country that is not easy to purchase cheap ones like Radar Senate ㅜㅜ I'll try to find it !! Thank you for your comment!! Have a good day!

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