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Patellar tendon injury


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Tore my patellar tendon a month back skiing. Have had surgery and now on road to recovery. No skiing until next season, but wanted to know if anyone has had experience with this injury and waterskiing. What was it like getting back to skiing in the course? Appreciate any thoughts
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if you completely ruptured the tendon thats a big time injury. Good luck on the healing. I rehabbed my knee surgery with a guy who had a patellar tendon full rupture. A big deal to repair and rehab but full recovery was almost a sure thing. Hopefully you have the same outcome.. Good luck
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  • Baller

Not exactly the same as you, but I did have a partial patellar tendon tear a few years ago. Went to a good sports ortho, and was told that I could eventually ski on it again, and if it ruptures completely they'll fix it. Took a looong time to feel 100% (year and a halfish), and a imagine a full tear may take a bit longer. One thing I found helped was to do eccentric loaded exercises when cleared to do so.


(btw, first doc I went to told me that I'd never ski again)

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Thanks for your input. It seemed a strange skiing injury to me as well. I originally thought I did my ACL. I've had some tendonitis in that knee before, but it wasn't bothering me at all before the injury. It's my back leg. Just turned hard at 3 ball, maybe running a bit late, but that's it. It loaded and 'popped'. Doctor says just a fluke thing, but more age related than form etc. I'm 54, so didn't like to hear that LOL! I'm not unfit either. In the gym regularly, so that is a frustration, as you think you are doing prevention, right? I've replayed it a million times, wondering what I could have done differently, but its a never-ending loop with no clear answer.

Surgery was good, rehab will be a while for sure ~ 6 months at least. I'm committed to doing it right. Trying to set a goal to be back skiing again beginning of next June.

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  • Baller
Mine was back leg also. Potential silver lining: I've had a couple back leg injuries that I believe actually helped me pick up a ball or 2 in the long run. This was one of them. While getting back into the course, I was acutely aware to not overload my back leg. Ultimately, I think this really helped me concentrate on balance over my front foot throughout the pass. Lemons/lemonade. Hope you heal up quickly and completely!
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