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Which Ski?


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  • Baller

Hi Guys!


Please could i have some input at what ski to recommend to my friend. She's running the course at 23mph at the moment, she's on a 2018 HO Syndicate Omni, now she's at 24.9mph and is struggling. Does anyone think she'd be better on the Radar Union or maybe the Lyric? Has anyone ridden the Union as it says on the website that thats perfect for the speeds she's running currently.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you!

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  • Baller
I wouldn't say that there is going to be a lot of improvement with one ski over the other in this case. Learning the course is a struggle. Biggest thing at the slower speeds is that the ski is big enough (overall surface area...ie a wider ski doesn't need to be as long.) MAYBE a larger ski would make things a little easier until the speed is up a little more....The lyric, or one of the plain Omnis would be a little wider and maybe a little better at the slower speeds.
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  • Baller
How much does she weigh, and how long is the Omni? Can you describe more what she doesn’t like about the Omni? Omni is a great ski-the union would be a step down, but if she’s sinking on the Omni the union may help at slower speeds. Lyric/senate is the radar version of Omni, so unless going larger to support her at slower speeds I don’t think it’s going to help.
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  • Baller
I think the Omni is a good ski for her ability level. Instead of a new ski Maybe consider having her ski a little faster. I like to free-ski through the course. Use the turn buoys as indicators but just shadow them, either early or slightly inside. Skiing a little faster might make it easier to ride balanced on the ski and work on technique. Try 28.
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  • Baller
I'll disagree a little with the above. I'm a fan of slow speeds that you can make it through the course. Pushing to the next speed for progress, but at that speed you don't need tight turns. For her size, you may want to consider a wider ski till she's going faster tho.
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  • Baller

@Clydesdale I'll admit I'm not totally up on the exact specs of those skis. You may be right..... I assumed that since the plain omnis were a more beginner type ski, that they would also be wider, more so than the syndicate omni which is more intermediate.....but can't say that for sure. And...this years lineup vs 2018 could have some variations.


Long/short, i think shes on the high side, size wise, for a 67" ski, and while I'm in favor of going slower speeds, she will need more surface area than she has with that ski to go that speed.

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  • Baller

My best advice would be to spend the money on coaching or even use givego/other coaching app or post a video here to comments,


The ski will probably be fine, I can quite happily ski at 24mph and I'm 92kg at the moment albeit on a wider slalom ski so if she's 78kg and on a slimmer ski, she should be fine.

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