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Webcast - Stillwaters Pro Team Challenge


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  • Baller
Nice job on the web-cast and some great skiing-- love the head to head format. Poland's first and last jump was a little scary and a bummer way to end but glad he is OK. Did I miss the "Pro Team" element of this or was it not incorporated this year??
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  • Baller
Really entertaining webcast to watch this weekend, we really enjoyed it both days. Thanks to all involved. Lots of big scores including (3?) 41s from Nate, amazing. CP returns with some strong scores, Whitney is back with deep 39's, lots of good stuff right here in the midwest!
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  • Baller
I had the opportunity to help out with the webcast this weekend and I came away with a huge amount of appreciation and gratitude for @Kelvin and the other fine folks who put on these webcasts! It is much harder than it looks and these folks do an outstanding job in representing tournament skiing! Thank you for doing what you do!!!
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  • Baller
@teammalibu we did use SurePath. We also used end course video. In essence SurePath was use to aid the monitoring of the EC video. I watched a lot of passes in the prelims and the driving was as good as I’ve seen.
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  • Baller
I have a question: In two different interviews following two different runs, John Travers said the boat was too slow getting up to speed which affected his gate cut in one instance as I recall and maybe both. In any case, with such tight tolerances for speeds, timing and boat path, why wasn’t he given re-rides? Just curious.
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  • Baller
@Cnewbert the lake is adequate but fairly short with the boat going straight in on both ends. While there were drop noodles for skiers to stop at, it's still a challenge to get up to speed. Couple that with 58kph speeds and it's tough to get up to speed. There really wasn't anything possible to do to improve it. ZO would lock in before the green buoys per the rules but many times the pullout for the gate is right there too.
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  • Baller
@klindy thanks for the clarification. @Ed_Johnson agreed. To the best of my recollection, JT was the only one who mentioned it (on camera at least) and as you point out, if someone can run three 41s in two days the set up and boat speed must have been adequate.
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  • Baller
Now with the song playing in my head "I can't drive to the 55's" : @Cnewbert & @klindy bring up interesting concept on boat speed through 55's. I have seen a few post on this but nothing conclusive. I am curios on the rule for this? Seems the boat should be at speed by the entry 55's and through the finish 55's; would guess the boats were at Stillwater but it was close. Imagine an extreme example of a boat accelerating through the 55's at 40mph then Zero Off or PP getting it down to 36 / 34... at the entry gate and running a clean time. Because the skier accelerates and decelerates at a different speed than the boat you would have huge slack trying to get your gate. Even more interesting is the exit gates; a boat could almost spin and stop before a long line skier exited the gates after a good time...
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  • Baller
@Fastguy888 I have skied behind a couple of PP boats that would accelerate past the set speed by a few mph, before backing off to the set speed. I don’t have enough experience with them to know if this is normal for PP. My ZO boat however accelerates to the set speed and locks on without going faster by more than 1/10 mph.
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  • Baller
@Fastguy888 What @Cnewbert said. You're over thinking this. The lake is similar to a lot of other lakes out there. It's generally assumed that the boat is "at speed" at the 55's and will remain at that speed thru the exit gates (not the far 55's as you suggest). I am not aware of anything specific in the AWSA rule book defining exactly where the boat must be "at speed". Seems there may be something in the boat drivers manual.
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  • Baller
Agreed with above comments. Men's and Women's together is great for those who just care to watch slalom. And the permanent bug on the upper left corner with skier name and rope length is something the other webcasts should definitely add. I'm also a "watch a few hours later" type and use Youtube on my Roku to move around to what I want to watch.
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  • Baller
Any place that is willing to organize and pull off an event like last weekend and see several amazing scores posted is fine by me. Sure people can knit pick lake length or water roll out.....but hey we are a side show sport. Great job all around Stillwater team. It's funny in the pro tour "hey days", that everyone longs for, ALL the sites were far from Ideal but everyone got the same pull and skied their best for the site. I really think that was more intriguing than "who can ski perfectly in perfect conditions" week after week.
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