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  • Baller
I am a very lucky guy of close to 74 yrs of age healthy other then a few aches and pains.I have been skiing since I was 10 when my dad got a second job to buy his family to boat to ski.I have been enjoying slalom and barefoot since.I live in a beautiful home on a fantastic ski lake in northern MN. OR SOME BALLERS CALL IT SOUTHERN CANADA.I have a fantastic wife who drives for me and helps with the boats and anything related to skiing.SHE IS A SPECIAL LADY!! And my winston boy a schoodle who loves to ride in the boat.The end of last summer I tore my rotator in my left shoulder and was in much pain.I stopped skiing early and was in physical therapy for many months.I sold my carbon pro and with bad knees the future did not look good.This spring I seemed to get better and ready to ski however the pandemic drove up prices on boats to the point of being ridiculous.The person I sold my 2001 GEKKO to several yrs ago offered me the use of the boat for the summerAnd I said yes and having tuning it up and getting to ready I have been skiing it almost everyday.Also have been lucky to use my neighbors 2008 MC PS 197 all summer.I have skied probably well over 100 times this summer and still skiing and in fact skied the other day over 5.5 miles in 2 sets of open water skiing on perfect glass.I also have a great ski partner who also loves to ski.I don't think it can get any better for an old guy like me even as the air and water temps get cooler I still LOVE AND ENJOY THIS SPORT MY DAD GAVE ME A CHANCE TO ENJOY.THANKS DAD AND EVERYONE ELSE......I CAN KEEP SKIING
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