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Kistler's Trick Tips #14, #15 & # 16


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14. Use the braid.


On wrapped tricks, be sure to use the forward hand that’s on the braid to pull yourself smoothly into the trick. It’s not cheating if you guide yourself around.


15. Consider unconventional trick order.


Throughout my skiing career, I’ve had a reputation for some unorthodox trick sequences. It has served me well. Like most people, I turn better in certain directions and find some tricks difficult or impossible to do the way some people do them. That has forced me to string tricks together in ways that suit my quirks. I do it also to remain on the same wake as much as possible and thereby reduce travel time from wake to wake. If you have trouble performing a certain sequence in time, think outside the box and see if you can come up with creative ways to reorder your tricks. Just be sure to follow the rules for reverses etc. You don’t have to do it like everybody else. Besides, it’s fun to drive the judges crazy.


16. Tips for wake tricks.


Many wake tricks work better if you “counter” immediately before springing up. That is, momentarily point the ski tip slightly away from the wake and roll onto the outside edge as you crouch down. This wind-up action gives you a solid bite that will help launch you into the air.


It is helpful to turn more than 180 degrees when landing outside the wake. This compensates for both the curvature of the wake and the rope angle and helps the ski track.


Timing is critical. You should begin to rise up at the base of the wake but don’t turn until you reach the crest. Turning too early is the most common mistake on wake tricks. This was easier to do in the old days when the skis were narrower. A wide ski wants to turn as soon as it encounters the wake. You must resist that tendency and hold your edge until the very top of the wake.


When approaching the wake, get deep in the knees rather than bending at the waist.

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  • Baller

#16.2 Oops. Always underturn a wake trick! Overturning the trick carries you down the wake and way out in the flat wasting time and tipping your shoulders away from the boat (locking you in a tough and time consuming lean). Underturning the wake brings you back up the wake right away so you are ready for the next trick. Also it is easier to find a strong edge carving back in than edging out. Wake tricks are controlled by your edge, land on the strongest edge.


Sorry to nitpick but underturning wake tricks (to a strong edge) is one of my basic coaching points. If I could do it better I'd be able to fit in a couple more tricks in my run.



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  • Baller
I said at the top, this is what works for me. If I underturn, I stand a better chance of sliding out. I admit, I always ski to the flat. Wish I could hold an edge better on the curl. (sigh) Maybe it's your magic Lee Ski that holds so well. I'll have to play with your coaching tip and see if I can make it work. Even old farts can learn new tricks.
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