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Pro Tour Leader Board...


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  • Baller

Nate Smith has won every event he has entered this season. Yet, he is third on the leaderboard. Does this make sense? A fault in the point system?


Could Nate have an undefeated season and not win the Pro Tour?


Enlighten me...

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  • Baller_
There were specific events where competitors earned tour points and Nate did not ski in all of them. So, those points were awarded to those who did and there were a significant number of tournaments where this occurred.

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  • Supporting Member

I haven't studied the point system, but the pasted document hints at the answer where it says "best 7 events." So as long as you actually enter 7 events, the point system doesn't appear to simply be "enter the most events and win."

I think that also means that the concept of a "leaderboard" is rather misleading, as it will soon be at a point where it is almost impossible for certain people to gain points (having already done 7 events), whereas others will pick up big chunks in the future?

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  • Baller

@Than_Bogan It takes the top 7 events for each skier, so it is possible to gain points by continuing to ski events.


Point values are allocated based on the total purse of the event (ie. the bigger the event the more points are on the line)y1yu5ixh3bn1.jpg



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