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Spraymakers Season 3 - Episode 17 - Ski Setup


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  • Baller

If my ski's tendency is to take too big of a bite on the onside on my harder passes so I take a hit and get pulled out, what is the suggested adjustment to boot or fin?


(I know I have form issues to work on, but I am just looking for a minor adjustment to help with a ski tendency in this thread. Thanks in advance).

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  • Baller

@jjackkrash according to this episode either FB boot forward or pull fin back towards tail.

IMHO - which one would depend on what else is going on with your wake crossings and off side turn but the finer adjustment would be the fin unless you have some sort of micro adjustment on your boot.


I decided to take my 2020 Omega back to stock #'s and roll through the set up process as per Ep17. My numbers did not end too far from what they were prior but far enough to give me a better refined feeling and performing ski .

My earlier Aug 25th post was with my D3R2 ski. I now have 2 skis that are rocking it much better than they were before.

Once again - Thank you Trent and Chris

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