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what is the one thing that separates you from the next 6 balls?


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  • Baller_

Anyone that said “age” can take that lame excuse off the table. If you watched just north of 60 year old Sam Ingram this weekend, you know why. And Mike Morgan, Mike Dehlinger ( @liquid d ), Terence Fogarty and Mike Reynolds. Those guys are M5 skiers and they all ripped it up this weekend.


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  • Baller

What separates me from the next 6 balls? The water.

I swear I'm making a comeback. And it will have to be methodical. Like in 2010 and 2011 when I went from a couple at 28 to a couple at 38. I blew off 2010 as a tourney season and started at the basics. I think that's what It'll take for me.

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  • Baller

What separates me from the next 6 balls? The water.

I swear I'm making a comeback. And it will have to be methodical. Like in 2010 and 2011 when I went from a couple at 28 to a couple at 38. I blew off 2010 as a tourney season and started at the basics. I think that's what It'll take for me.

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  • Administrators

@Mateo_Vargas The answer is different for everybody. I asked the question because I think I may have stumbled upon my personal answer. It's not going to be your answer. (I'm planning on skiing Friday Saturday Sunday if you want to come get your ride)

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  • Administrators

@Mateo_Vargas The answer is different for everybody. I asked the question because I think I may have stumbled upon my personal answer. It's not going to be your answer. (I'm planning on skiing Friday Saturday Sunday if you want to come get your ride)

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  • Baller

Despite what @lpskier said, I'm saying "age". Just because the guys he mentioned ripped it doesn't mean everyone can sustain performance levels as age creeps up. It's been a gradual loss, corresponding to years for me.

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  • Baller

Despite what @lpskier said, I'm saying "age". Just because the guys he mentioned ripped it doesn't mean everyone can sustain performance levels as age creeps up. It's been a gradual loss, corresponding to years for me.

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  • Elite Skier

I don't think it's hard to figure out where most skiers can improve technically. The process of actually making the lasting changes is what holds most of us back I think.

What are the appropriate steps to take to learn a new movement or position, and then be able to utilize those new skills at our most difficult passes?

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  • Elite Skier

I don't think it's hard to figure out where most skiers can improve technically. The process of actually making the lasting changes is what holds most of us back I think.

What are the appropriate steps to take to learn a new movement or position, and then be able to utilize those new skills at our most difficult passes?

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  • Administrators

@twhisper IDK about that. Maybe you can find the issues but I think most skiers are lost most of the time working on the wrong stuff. I think my focus has been wrong at least for this year.

Besides that, our moms did not get together with taller men :-)

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  • Administrators

@twhisper IDK about that. Maybe you can find the issues but I think most skiers are lost most of the time working on the wrong stuff. I think my focus has been wrong at least for this year.

Besides that, our moms did not get together with taller men :-)

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  • Baller

I love this thread! A lot of great answers. The ones that stick out to me are dedication, time on the water, and coaching. There’s no magic or tricks to get you the buoys you crave. It comes down to how hard you’re willing to work and the right set of eyes and guidance to get you there ??

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  • Baller

I love this thread! A lot of great answers. The ones that stick out to me are dedication, time on the water, and coaching. There’s no magic or tricks to get you the buoys you crave. It comes down to how hard you’re willing to work and the right set of eyes and guidance to get you there ??

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  • Baller

Single best thing I did was sign up for @twhisper ’s online coaching. So much good info! He can really help you to understand where your own skiing is at and where you are trying to get to. From there you have to figure out how to execute things on the water. Having the knowledge of what it should look like and why, makes it a lot easier to try to emulate it in your own efforts. Often times you have to take some steps backwards to break old habits and learn new skills. Sometimes those new skills are just new bad habits that are hopefully slightly better than the old.

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  • Baller

Single best thing I did was sign up for @twhisper ’s online coaching. So much good info! He can really help you to understand where your own skiing is at and where you are trying to get to. From there you have to figure out how to execute things on the water. Having the knowledge of what it should look like and why, makes it a lot easier to try to emulate it in your own efforts. Often times you have to take some steps backwards to break old habits and learn new skills. Sometimes those new skills are just new bad habits that are hopefully slightly better than the old.

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