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HO. Works. 01


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  • Baller

@Luzz  I talked to D W.  
been playing with dft. 77. Not enough width.

.79.  To free.

Going to try  it at .78

fb 29-7/8 bb. 17-7/8


getting close like feel of the ski just Need  a few tweaks 


any suggestions?



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First ride on the Works 01 today.  In a tip of the hat to Syndicate quality control, the ski arrived with perfect factory fin settings.  Mounted up the binder at stock recommendation (30 inches).  The ski feels very different than my current Omega.  Open skied first pass, then 28, 3 x 32 offs, then 35, missed the 6 ball on second 35 as I think I was actually working against the ski rather than working with it.  ( too hard behind the boat preventing ski from swinging outbound) Last pass, 5 @ 38 off...just ran out of gas going to 6 ball. The 38 actually felt better than the 35's. 

Summary:  Ultra solid, quick turns with absolutely no loss of speed.  Tons of angle out of the turn and maintains that angle.  To me, it feels like a lot of tip, but with no loss of speed, space or direction.  Pretty cool; ride it out to apex and boom, you are heading cross course with no loss of speed. (need to trust the ski, but the shorter the rope, the better and better it felt) The ski does not dive or pitch you forward, but freaking turns on a dime at apex. Best turning ski that holds speed I have ever ridden.

Thanks to Syndicate and the Team for their hard work developing this ski.  All the hype is justified.  Awesome ski.

Would be interested in what others on the 01 are experiencing.

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  • Baller

@BGrow76 First ride settings were completely stock:  Binder: 30 inches,

Length: 6.960  Depth:2,455  DFT: .77    I did change wing to 7 degrees from 8 as I ski 34 mph.  Plan to ski a few sets to determine if any changes are needed, but after first ride, feeling pretty darn good.

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  • Baller
5 hours ago, BGrow76 said:

@RobHazelwood Great to see your post in the Works 02 thread. Any insight on what settings are working for those on the 01 outside of stock?


I rode 01 for most of the fall and winter. Stock seems to be extremely popular especially with the bindings (some wiggle room back but stock seems best for most). I was inbetween the medium and large but my fin stayed pretty much the same around 6.950 / 2.470 / 0.750 / 8 degrees. Not far from stock but just gave me a little more of an agressive rotation and drive into centre line which I liked coming off pro. Great to be hearing good feedback from both the works skis out in the wild!

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  • Baller
3 hours ago, BGrow76 said:

Thanks @RobHazelwood for the great insight. Will you be on the Works 02 this weekend at the Lake 38 tournament or some version of a 2024 ski? Best of luck this weekend!

Yep, stock 02, it was picked off the shelf where it was ready to be sent out for general orders. Hopefully get to do the ski justice but either way I’ll have a good time trying

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Update on the Works 01.  Been on the ski now for 7 sets.  Each time out, the ski feels better and better.  Still on all stock settings with the exception of 7 degrees on the wing rather than 8.  The ski reacts to any skier input in a predictable way.  Still early in the season and have not skied that much.  Ran 2 x 28, 2 x 32, 2 x 35 and then 38 all @ 34 mph.  The on-side turn is freaking amazing.  Old habits die hard and I still think I am working against the ski rather than with it.  You don't need a ton of effort to maintain angle off the buoy.  I have always incorrectly tried to gain more angle by leaning or pulling more. Just need to learn there is no need as the ski establishes great angle and speed going to center line. If this ski gets a 67 year old through 38, think what it will do for you young bucks!  Love the Works 01.

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Update on the Works 01.  Have about 15 sets on the ski all on stock settings.  Tried to move my binders back from 30 inches and unfortunately, the D3 Leverage hole pattern and the ski will not permit it.  I reduced the wing from stock 8 degrees to 5 degrees.  Obviously made the ski faster, but what I discovered was how much of the ski tip can be in the water in the turn without losing any speed.  Carrying more speed outbound while still keeping the front engaged made for more efficient, less effort turns with more angle.  Also, this ski can roll on edge a ton.  I do need to get used to increased speed and start my edge change earlier, but the more one rides this ski, the more attributes emerge.    All skiing at 34 mph 28 to 38 off.

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@HortonYeah, I know.  I have always gone at least 7 degrees.  Not sure what compelled me to try it, but it seemed to work for me.  I can have more tip without losing any speed.  Still getting used to it, and at 38 it may not be enough....too much speed on on-side, but it is fun to play around and be a bit unorthodox.

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@markn the generally accepted range is 11° (or maybe 12°) to 7°

Personally I am almost always between 7° & 9°


( I am wrong all the time but am pretty good at hiding it)

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@water_skier1 no.  I have heard the logic from them on why they did the speed skin. It is an interesting idea. Ski design is complicated and for whatever reason they moved on. This does not mean that the original idea for speed ski was not valid. 

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@water_skier1The idea is HO wanted to remove any extra layers from the ski.  They wanted just a barebone ski that did one thing - perform.  So they removed the graphic top and the speedskin bottom.  I believe on their website they even mention this.

Edited by Garn
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Any ski designer has long list of choices to make. The bottom texture is a minor one. I do not have any idea why HO moved away from the Speed Skin but that choice is one of the least consequential they made with the Works skis. 

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Would agree with @Horton about bottom texture being minor.  Having gone from an Omega with the speed skin to the Works 01, EVERYTHING about the Works 01 is an improvement over the Omega...and the Omega was pretty darn good.  Still on stock settings and the ski is amazing.  No matter how hard you push it, there is more ski than skier...at least in my case.  

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