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Binding advice


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  • Baller

The plate just needs to not slide.  Tons of ways to do it properly tightened it won't but screws can loosen slightly and you don't want after 5 crap sets to realize your boot slid.  Tons of work around even putting a bit of that stair grip tape on the ski under the binding in the middle of the plate so the plate is bowed slightly and stuck works.

Star washer works stainless cup washers too.  


I just had to have no slip when I used FM because a plate moving changed the release setting which was not good.

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  • Baller_

@water_skier1  It it makes you feel better, many binding installations require modifications.  Even cutting the rear binding plate so it fits behind the front binding.  I had to drill a new set of holes in my T-Factors because the inserts on my ski didn't allow a forward-enough position for the bindings.

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  • Baller

@water_skier1 no need for any modifications, as I see it from the pictures. It’s not a big deal.
Take the screws out… all of them then start putting the screws back on one by one but just barely in. Just one or two thread as you continue putting all the screws on, hold the boot/plate lifted from the ski, this will give you enough room for all the screws to be screwed in place just a little. Then when all screws are in then and only then start tightening and let the plate sits on the ski. 
This is the way to align all six.

good luck,


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  • Baller_

@water_skier1 - Do not use star washers under all six, the plate does need the freedom to move when the ski flexes, that is why there are slots.  Only 2 holes should be used to lock the plate or used to keep it from moving, the other 4 should allow the plate to slide forward and backward.

Mark on the ski and the plate where you mount the binding, compare before & after ski runs to verify plate does not move forward or backward.  As previously noted, a star washer under the two middle screws should hold the plate in place. 

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  • Baller

I love MikroJust. Excellent product . Will last a lifetime, provides greater adjustment versatility, and really helps lock the binding in place firmly.  Your tfactors will take a little getting used to but I'm confident you will love them. Outstanding bindings . Go ski................   

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