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Newbie -- Ski progression - next ski?


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  • Baller

New to slalom and water skiing this year.  Previous experience with tow sports (knee/ wake board) Pushing 40 and 6'4" @ 230 #'s.  I scooped up a 71" Radar Session early this year and have been deep water starting with 100% success.  Running 30mph @ 15/22' off -- mainly freeride, but I'd say fairly aggressive turn frequency.  I spent one day in the course and enjoyed it immensely.  Current main focus is technique/ form.

I seem to be progressing quickly and am looking at a new ski.  Any recommendations for a logical sequence?  Am I jumping the gun?  End goal is minimal course action (2-3x per year) with a more freeride frequency (~2x per week).  

Is a Radar Union a good interval step, or go for a Senate (or equivalent)?  Stay at 71"?  I know and fully understand the paint brush does not define the artist, but Picasso was not a finger painter.

Huge respect for the sport and the athleticism.  Only wish I would have had an opportunity at a younger age.

Thanks in advance!

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