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My Kid Just Attended a Recruiting Weekend, College Ski Team


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  • Baller

So, my daughter was invited to tag along with two friends to recruiting weekend for the Water Ski Team at Texas A&M.  I have no idea if she will ski at A&M or any other college.  But, it was a really unique way to visit potential college.  Other schools might not offer such an extensive effort, but I would think most teams would offer some type of meetup to your potential skier.  Definitely adds a personal touch to the college visit. 

In this case, in addition to skiing a few sets with the team, the kids spent a couple of nights on campus with a designated team member; toured the campus with real students (not trained tour guides saying all the right things); attended the midnight rally; attended the football game; and generally got a better feel for the college experience at A&M. 

Not your typical college tour.  And really valuable for our daughter.  

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  • Baller

My son attended an A&M recruitment weekend as well and he thought it was awesome.  I see more schools are offering this opportunity now so he plans to attend a few school weekends before making a final decision.  So far he has only attended the A&M weekend but he was highly impressed and is leaning towards going there as a result.  He loved everyone on the ski team, as well as the university so it gave him a really good glimpse into what college life is like there. 

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  • Baller

@kmenardShe's a junior, so still all over the map.  Has eyes on a couple of Ivy League Schools.  Wants to be a Veterinarian, so looking at all 30 schools that have Vet programs.  She is an all State Swimmer, so has not ruled out swimming in College.  Other schools she is looking at with a Water Ski Team include UC Davis, Notre Dame, Purdue, Wisconsin.


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