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BOS video coaching is awesome!


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  • Baller

So i took Horton up on his ultra cheap video coaching.  the process was super easy, just drag and drop your video file into the conversation box,  pay your 10 bucks and you're done.  He responded very quickly, and as I expected the feedback was excellent.  I came out of it knowing exactly what to work on and why.  What I liked most is that without me telling him,  he addressed an issue that i've known to be my major issue for a long time, but I've never had a fix for it or understood why I couldn't seem to eliminate it from my skiing . So it feels really good to have him shed some light on it and to have some direction in how to fix it. 

If you haven't had coaching before. Get a video, and send it in.  You won't regret it. 


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I will absolutely accept MBUU you shares. My assumption is they are near their bottom and will only increase in value after the dust settles. 

as a side note, you can expect me to short side you at every buoy on every pass this afternoon. 

@jhughes  every elite skier / coach will be invited to join the coaching pool. Considering Chris's other commitments and responsibilities I don't know if he's going to participate but it would be awesome if he did.

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  • Baller

I tried a quick lesson myself with Freddie just the other day. 

He responded very timely and gave me good feedback, with 3 things to work on. He also  drew some angles on the screen for me which was helpful too. I responded to his video lesson, and he followed up same day.

He pointed out something big, that no one had pointed out before, in my new skiing journey. I'm looking forward to trying to fix that issue on my next set. 

The video coaching is a great for anyone, especially if you don't have better skiers than you in your local club.

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