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The BVCS is awesome!

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Horton has hit a home run with the new BVCS!  (That's the Baller Video Coaching System for anyone who hasn't been paying attention). It is well thought out, well designed, easy to use and a super bargain.  Horton has provided easy to follow instructions under the Video Coaching heading at the top of the page.  But it is so intuitive and logical, one quick viewing of the instructions is all you'll need.  At present he has three coaches to choose from and I understand more are likely to be added in the future.  The current lineup is Horton, Cole Giacopuzzi, and Fred Winter, so there's a wealth of knowledge already in place to be taken advantage of.  I chose Horton for my first session.  The format allows one to describe in detail their skiing background if they think that is relevant, and to elaborate at length on what they are working on, trouble they are having, or anything else they feel will help the coach provide the insights and level of advice they are hoping for.  The video upload process is simple and very liberal with the allowable video file size.  In short order after submitting my video and comments, I received my coaching session from Horton.  I had done some GiveGo sessions while it was available, but make no mistake, this is video coaching on a whole new level.  And to put it into dollars and cents, the detail and quality of my first lesson was far, far more cost effective proportionately than the brief, often generalized coaching I ever got from GiveGo.  Horton was very generous with his time using slo-mo, forward, reverse, stop action and telestrator video techniques to show me some subtle things that will really help my skiing... things that had never been brought to my attention before and I was impressed with his eye for detail.  And he also pointed out aspects of my skiing that he was happy with, so I felt I received a very well rounded lesson that, in the ensuing couple of days, has already helped my skiing take a step forward.  Live coaching is great of course, but video coaching, with the opportunity what see and study frame by frame if necessary exactly what you are doing both right and wrong, provides a level of detail and precision that you simply can't get in real time on the water when everything happens in a blur and where oftentimes how you imagine you are skiing vs. how you actually skied may be a bit different. 😉 

Horton has a limited time introductory discount offer at present and I can't urge everyone enough to pick and coach and give it a try.  The BVCS is simply a great product.

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