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Everything posted by rockdog

  1. Awesome 🤣 @BGrow76 I'm pretty certain Spencer did not put up this thread for dumbass commentary like this. I doubt he's interested in your opinion on what he should or shouldn't do with HIS OWN lake. Appreciate the journey he's had in doing it like the rest of us and move on with your life. FMD.
  2. Seriously you guys? This is a serious sport that takes a huge physical effort at the level we are talking about. This is a Pro Tour! Every time I went on the field when I played football it was a risk, that's part of the reason we did it is because it wasn't easy. You think we should be safe at the pro level, absolute rubbish IMO. These guys are unbelievable and should be pushing the boundaries when they're going for victories at a tournament.
  3. Lucas is the story here.. an only recent PB of 3 and in the blink of an eye it's 5. He's going to blast through this pass soon enough, what a beast. Who of us had him as the next to run 41 on our bingo card? Not me, this is unbelievable.
  4. Tried it. Didn't feel a whole different from my Omega but tried the 02 and it's a noticeably different ski from the 01. Wider forebody and also the tail rocker just felt different which somehow suited me. Bought an 02.
  5. Sold mine last year, same as this and mint. Regretted it almost immediately. The massive bonus on this particular boat is it's NON-CAT, so one problematic issue with o2 sensor well you won't have.
  6. Keep up with the drone footage @Spencer_Shultz.
  7. Gee that's a good write-up.
  8. That is a DV8 my friend, not a C1.
  9. @Cooper_Trelawneythat situation is burned into everybody's brain now. Any boat deal with Nautique for anybody this would be the first point discussed after money. Regina would have done this deal with eyes WIDE open.
  10. What I notice is Joel has a super cool eclectic taste in music, always good sound on his Insta posts..
  11. Soon enough Correct Craft are going to own Facebook, Google, Pfizer and Tesla. 🙄
  12. I've been using two ML Ergo's for some years now and there's hardly any wear on either of them.. Only problem is they both bent in the middle, which I now actually prefer.
  13. Also Nate mentioned last year he was a strong chance to miss this year but seems like he will be there.
  14. Ahh no, the Government will decide via legislation. The 'free' market will have to adapt.
  15. There are so many things I've heard from better skiers than I about driving and ski setup that I'm 110% certain is complete and utter horseshit but I can't say anything because what do I know... I read them every second day on here even.
  16. This boat is unbelievable. It looks brand new. Extremely rare to find one in this condition let alone have that 502 in it as well. Not sure about 28k though for a boat of this age. I'd hate imagine how much fuel this would go through..
  17. rockdog


    Anyone have a photo of the PTM mounted on an OB 200? I'd like to see where it sits..
  18. @MattL go to an inline skate store. They'll have a box of spare buckles out back you can get cheap. I did it for my R-style years ago and no problem. Also my mounts have a little rust in there but still are ok. Spray in some WD-40, screw the screws in and out a few times to make sure thread is still good and re-mount. I do this as a matter of maintenance a couple of times a season.
  19. Well, except for Moomba. Which she won. Possibly whilst pregnant..
  20. @Wish my money was on Joel, just a different Joel. Maybe tomorrow..
  21. @Scott Russell agree with your comments re horsepower v torque. For example the DI 5.3 puts out the same torque as a 6.0 but with less horsepower. Not sure where in the RPM range the numbers appear but it's interesting for sure. I've neither driven or skied behind a 5.3 so can't compare the feel but most on here would say the 6.0 is better. The DI 6.2 is a noticeable step up.
  22. That's a horrendous video to be putting up as a sales pitch I'm afraid.
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