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Posts posted by rockdog

  1. You can set the baselines then map the course later. The GPS overlay will then make any slight amendments once you run timing passes. I just found it easier to do that way as it can be hard to do the whole lot in the course whilst there's a queue of skiers on the dock waiting.
  2. Both correct, each boat is different and particularly can't use numbers off an Excalibur on a GT40. Prop will make a big difference also. It's easy enough to do anyway once you get the boat in the water. I initially did mine using Capture Method in open water (smooth water) which worked well.
  3. What a f*#wit. If I ever see my son do that to anyone let alone his own sister, it will be a millennium before he sees water time again. Alcohol and jet skis seem to go hand in hand these days too I think? And don't their eyes light up when they find a slalom course in the vicinity!
  4. I'm with @klindy, very much doubt full 43 off. At that line length, every 1 ball is massive. From what we HAVE seen in tourney's is a closeish sortof (not real words so can't spell them) 3 ball. Even in practice another three for full pass, at this stage, would be pretty much impossible IMO. To get where he is now defies belief for most of us, the guy is a freakish talent.
  5. Wow, so many familiar things in there @than_bogan! Young, keen to improve with every set, rubbish lake water and nobody to push you in the right direction. Gee I wish somebody like you was around back in the day, those guys would still be talking about your efforts to help them out. That could make all the difference to them remaining as weekender types or now striving to join the tournament scene.

    Good work!

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