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    Bryan Reinke
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  1. I heard that only the skiers on a Radar had erratic boat paths, possibly due to the inconsistent pull from the skier and/or the obnoxious and distracting colors of the ski. (Am I on the right thread?)
  2. Score book posted online. Numerous skiers posted scores that significantly boosted their averages. I may have to go enter this one :D
  3. I've been running a sort of grassroots style tournament league for three years now. The primary goal is to grow the sport (and maybe change things up a bit). Of course existing tournament skiers are welcome to enter. I run 4 tournaments a season, on a weekday, and at lakes that do not currently host USA Waterski Sanctioned tournaments. This pulls members and their friends from those clubs into something competitive and fun, plus they use me or other AWSA skiers at the tournament as a contact or bridge to our side. I've even had some people bring friends that have never skied before. I have developed a fairly decent handicap scoring system and pay the top two finishers. We have a blast. The top two finishers from each tournament compete in a bracketed final held in the evening following the last AWSA event of the season at Laku (Home of this years Regionals). This allows the non-tournament skier to get to know the tournament skier. Ultimately it bridges that gap and creates an introduction. Clubs have seen an increase in membership and tournament numbers have risen. The first season I had 70 entries between the four tournaments. Last season I had 89. A typical Colorado AWSA tournament sees 35-50 skiers. Last season Laku hosted a tournament with 85 skiers. I hadn't seen those numbers since I was in Boys 2 (25 years ago). It's also given us AWSA people something else to do during the week HA. Find Waterski Colorado on Facebook and Instagram to see some of what's been going on. I'll sign up on your site as well @horton
  4. @skimtb I'm at Laku in Windsor. Can usually ski evenings. Let me know when you'll be out.
  5. Marc, For reference, I ski in Colorado. In my mind there is no reason to hammer it around the island, in fact you lose speed when doing so. Next time you are out, try it, the speed will drop. Once you are in this situation, where the throttle is down, and your speed is decreasing, you're in a lot of trouble at high altitude. At lakes here in Colorado, I've found that keeping the boat at approx 28 and throttling up at the backside of the island is more efficient. You will find, with practice, a more efficient way to get to speed by throttling up at the backside of the island at the right spot and from the right speed. Honestly, I do not understand why drivers drive so fast at the turn around with or without an island, its not necessary in my opinion! Out of course driving is just as important as in course.
  6. Wait a minute..... (Actually that is cool) I'm glad I had something to do with the first part of that equation. The next (getting crushed) was all you Mainer! @Horton @brettmainer
  7. I am not sure if I should say you're welcome @brettmainer But good luck
  8. If we are drafting fantasy skiers, I want full injury reports from Horton as well. Ill start off by listing myself as probable.
  9. Putting these events on private controlled environments isn't the answer either. Individuals shouldn't be concerned with running pb's. Sure we'd all love to watch 41 go down, but I'm more interested in seeing who can handle terrible conditions and get through 38. It's a change and I completely dig it. Later.
  10. Alright, I'm officially on BOS and signed up. Look forward to skiing/puking with everyone.
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