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Everything posted by Snape

  1. Wiley told me that they haven't changed their plates in some time. So I can try to alter the existing rear toe or has anyone made their own plate? If so, what source for material, etc.?
  2. Definitely Dicey! Just did that for 3rd test ride. It went from other World to pretty nice. The picture of the front boot is only 1/8 back from factory, and I'm completely out of room to move it back. My toe still hits the horseshoe with the RTP like it is in the picture. I'll try calling Wiley's tomorrow.
  3. I use rubber binders, and on 2 different manufacturers skis I've tried I can't get the binders back far enough. I've lengthened slots, etc. The first one I was all the way back and still 3/4" from factory. The second, a Senate, is close but using a RTP I need to go back about 1/2 inch with the RTP. I tried it using a fender washer holding down the front. It felt much better. Can anyone make a recommendation for a longer plate, or other method to let me move the plates back. The front is probably close but would like the option to move backwards another 1/8-1/4. Front is Wiley. Thanks in Advance.
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