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Everything posted by SusanT

  1. Holiday fun. Skiing with a pumpkin on your head will make you laugh non-stop!
  2. Backboard in the water takes practice for sure, especially when it is deep and has a current.
  3. When I lived back East and we had a show ski club on a large public water way, it was easy to get the group to agree to annual training with the fire department. I have had very little luck with getting 21 owners on a private lake to do the same :(
  4. I've had to break out the barefoot suit again as having twin 10 year old boys, they are starting to get into it. Coming from show skiing, they have seen too much of it and love it.
  5. Mark: You are most welcome. Hope to see you back in Arizona.
  6. @Mark Petire, Nice meeting you and your wife out a Lakeside today.
  7. I ran across this video showing how to use a backboard at your ski lake. Although not a substitute for hands on training, you may want to share it with your ski buddies.
  8. George will be missed, but he is a great inspiration to all of us.
  9. @34mph A webinar would be a great way to reach more skiers. I would spend a few $$$ on a webcast.
  10. @6balls---keep Lakeside in mind. We are at a "turnover" point where owners are selling because of lifestyle changes (kids gone, relocating or health issues). There is a good chance that something will be available when you are ready to make the move.
  11. Hey Bob, If you are looking just for a couple of sets when you are in AZ , contact Ed Fisher at Firebird Ski Club (at Firebird Raceway) E-mail Address: fsd2@cox.net Phone: 602-482-7571
  12. Hi Mark, I have 4 homes listed for sale at Lakeside Ski Village. Actually, one of them will probably be sold this coming week but that still leaves 3 great options. You can check out my real estate website www.susantalarico.com or my waterski ski site www.waterskiarizona.com Dave Buchli no longer sells memeberships at his lake, the homes available at SanTan do not have ski rights, Crystal point has one home for sale for over $1M. You can get in at Lakeside for under $299k. Also wanted to let you know that I am also a skier & owner at Lakeside, not just a person that put up a website claiming to be a "water ski property specialist." All my contact info is on my website.
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