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Posts posted by jetpilotg4

  1. I think we have the perfect sport for social distancing, very few spectators, competitors rarely get closer than 37 feet to the boat. Better than watching reruns of basketball, hockey and golf on TV, At least we have that going for us.
  2. So........ I am on my 3rd Nautique in 10 years, 2004 had a Ramlin trailer Loved it 2012 Boatmate Hated it , 2019 Boatmate hate it even worse! when I got my 2012 200 I was told it was more or less a float on/ float off trailer Meh okay, made the best of it and ended up with a few good work arounds and had the boat without too many issues.... Got a 19 Nautique in August and been fighting with the trailer since day one. Example Sink trailer to top of fenders drive on and off and the torque scrubs the nose chine to a point where the gelcoat wears off. Float off/on, the deeper you put the trailer on, the more force it puts on the bow of the boat or the bow rides up above the bow bumpers on the trailer. So far through my local dealer has added a bow roller, and replaced the worn out RH bunk. They (local dealer) at my cost, recently replaced the carpet with the low friction rubber covering ( yet to be tried ). So Im asking the guy that works at (local Dealer) what next, and he said Boatmate said find another ramp to Launch on .... Really?? WTF !!!! I wonder if those big wake surfing boats have similar issues launching? I know where I ski theres a few new Nautiques and I have done what everyone else is doing but why on the world can't they get a frggin trailer to work with the Boats they sell us? any other viable workarounds to make this work? Usually Launch the boat solo
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