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Niles Taylor

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Everything posted by Niles Taylor

  1. If you are out skiing for fun, do both. I personally never plan on skiing 36 mph. I'm not ever going to ski tournaments.
  2. Mastercraft Prostar. Too loud...No. Tracking and comfortable driving...Good. Boat too strong? Wha...never. Ski and drive friends 2016 6.2L and it's pretty nice to drive and ski. Tracking is excellent. Short setup....never a problem. 22' off...typical bump not bad.
  3. My latest PB is 15 off @ 30 mph, at 39 years and still skiing longer lines I know I have plenty of PB's to come.
  4. Lots of info on the mc forum. Other brand owners chiming in as well... http://www.mastercraft.com/teamtalk/showthread.php?p=1262105
  5. I was in the position a few seasons ago. I moved onto a lake with some avid skiers who set up portable courses frequently. When they found out I skied they quickly invited me to get out with them. Up to that point I had not given much consideration to my equipment as I was only free skiing trying to cut to get good spray. Silly me. After getting into the course a little bit I bought a ski that would perform at slower speeds in the course but would also ride well free skiing. I wish I had gone straight for the course ski. I also quickly realized that I would need a new (used) dd inboard boat, a comp vest, a masterline, and some gloves, hahaha. (No seriously I have bought all of those things since, except the masterline - that upgrade is coming very soon) As for speed and length it may slightly depend on the size of the skier. I am 5'11 and about 210 lbs. I started skiing at 15off at 30mph in the course and only was able to make a couple of bouys. Then I slowed to 28 and started making better progress and was able to get 6 by the end of my first season in the course. This will be my third season and I hope to get through the course at least 15off at 30 mph. I think any skier with decent ability free skiing will love the transition into the course. You actually have a way to measure how well you are skiing. Invite them out as a spotter for a couple of sessions before they get in the water and take some passes to break him/her in.
  6. 93 MC 190 with LT-1. Nice ski tug. Add PP and still is the right price. http://www.mastercraft.com/teamtalk/showthread.php?t=72282 edit...just realized that this is the same as previous. oops
  7. last day to order swerve t-shirt
  8. last day to order swerve t-shirt
  9. I've got mine and a couple more for gifts on order.
  10. That would look good with a ball of spray badge instead of the "get your swerve on"
  11. Here's a nice looking baller t-shirt for sale on Tee-spring as well. https://teespring.com/get-your-swerve-on https://teespring.com/get-your-swerve-on
  12. I just experienced my first course injury. Morning set not skiing well...hot coming into ball 3 (LFF) and tried to make a really hard turn. A lot of time when this happens I end up riding the tail but this time i kept my weight forward. Anyway I believe this is what @Than_Bogan refers to as being a hero. It got me a minor ankle sprain and probably done for the season. Even thinking about winterizing the MC already. I have a ski partner that pushes himself really hard. He always takes a hard spill when he goes out for that one last set or pass and he bruised some ribs pretty good early in the season. All that being said, don't try to ski passed your ability or passed your endurance level and don't ski passed your gear's ability either.
  13. @jhughes help me out with the course in Minocqua. Where is it. I'm going to be in the area soon with my MC PS205
  14. On my system I bought it with the boat. 2 owners previous installed the PP, but previous owner never used it. First course skiing with the boat found Perfect Pass surging and then not correcting soon enough similar to @skihard . I've since gone through and done some RPM captures and made adjustments for a skiier but haven't had it back through the course yet to test out. May require some more "tweaking". We do have a short set up coming through from one end.... @alex38 what do you mean by "inverting the tach"?
  15. huh, I haven't made it to that screen yet...thanks
  16. @oldjeep Thanks, I'll have to pay attention next time mine boots up
  17. I have some similar issues. How do I tell what release software my PP is running?
  18. MasterCraft all the way...If it's good enough for TWB then it's perfect for me.
  19. ....and who does he work for? :#
  20. Because I've met the 5 ball monster, and i'm no longer scared.
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