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Ralph Lee

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Posts posted by Ralph Lee

  1. If a 4 ball course brings in a huge crowd, I'm all for it. If the same family and friends crowd are the only ones who show, then a non regulation course is stupid! If your going to screw around I'd rather watch a "wrong foot forward" tournament, or have a 70's themed event with 70's boats, skis, wigs. Drop the speed to 34 for the men, 32 for the women and see what the pros can do. Blindfolded tournament? If the scores don't count, there's all sorts of fun tournaments to draw crowds.
  2. I am always thankful and thrilled every time a ski event has a live webcast. For me, focusing more on the athletes before and after they ski would make things more interesting. Show them warming up, close ups on their skis and equipment, conversations they may be having. Make it feel more personable before they ski. Then interview them fresh out of the water to get some genuine emotion. A few simple things could add some huge entertainment to the viewers.
  3. The general public will never be interested again. Boats are too expensive, skis are too expensive, gas is too expensive, and ski clubs are too expensive and exclusive. Video games are cheap and Porn is free. The "general public" either can't afford this sport, or are sick, lazy, sexual immoral degenerates.
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