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Posts posted by KRoundy

  1. I have a 200 and the PTM is the way to go. When I drive other boats the mirrors just are annoying. I can see everything with the PTM. 

  2. I'm glad to see that others have responded to this post, because I've listened to this episode multiple times and I am unsure if I get it. I think this is a spot in the course where I know I do a ton of things wrong, but the idea of keeping my hip on that handle while NOT pulling long has blown my mind. We've been in a rain / cold spell in Seattle the last couple of days so I have yet to get out on the water and try this, but I am really struggling with the idea. If Trent or Rossi could post some images or discuss this further I'd like to hear or see more. If I understand correctly:

    a. It all starts with the correct stacked / balanced position where we accelerate to the wakes.

    b. At the centerline transition to the inside edge, but do NOT do that with your upper body. Your arms, chest, core should actually relax at this point, but do not move relative to the handle which will stay on your hip. The only thing that moves is your lower body, which I take to mean knees and ankles essentially, to roll the ski over onto that inside edge.

    c. You keep this position as long as possible, riding the line out to apex, and then you finally let go of the rope and turn.

    Do I have that right? This is way different than anything I think about post-centerline up to now and so I really want to be sure I've got the ideas down correctly. Trent said there can be so many wrong consequences from doing it incorrectly and I'm sure that I'll do that a lot! haha


  3. As a Nautique 200 owner - I’m curious where those shower lines go, as in where is the shower head located? I have thought about adding a shower for a couple of years but have found it hard to find the kit and also just don’t know where the shower head and hose would go. Is your HT boat one hidden in one of the side trunks? 

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  4. That 196 would be an awesome boat for what you described. You'll be surprised how infrequently you actually use the front of an open-bow boat. The wakes for the skiing will be AMAZING, the wakeboarding will be okay-ish, and it is a Nautique (you'll understand after owning one). 

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  5. When I first got my newer boat I took it to the dealer, but they are a 2 hour drive away. The next year I paid someone to come to my house and do it, but then I watched what he did and realized I can do it myself. Been doing all my own oil, impeller, winterization and other maintenance work myself for a couple of years. It's pretty easy / basic stuff really. Next up - replacing the transducer for my depth finder. NautiqueParts.com is my friend. 

  6. Maybe I have only skied lakes with well-designed islands, but I like them. They especially work if you have skiers who don’t drop at each end of the lake. If I were designing a lake I’d copy the layout of Tate Lake in Eastern WA. It just works. The launch/dock area is perfect for kids or whomever who want to safely swim and play while the boat and skiers are ripping around. It is the north / top lake in this view:



    Curious where you are building a lake? I have family in Dubuque, Iowa and think about moving out to that area at some point. 

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  7. Like @Bruce_Butterfield I got a digital iGauging caliper on Amazon. Was about $50 for the 8" model. I always keep a couple of spare disk batteries with it and I've never had a problem. I just looked it up and I purchased them through Amazon in 2016, so they've been working well for me going on 7 years now. Prior to that I tried to use a super-cheap Harbor Freight model and got really frustrated quickly.

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