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  1. DIY Mounts are the best. You would be amazed at what you can build for a few bucks at the hardware store. Just gotta think out of the box.
  2. @bishop8950 They used a drone cam at the Master's this year and were able to transmit the footage to a live webcast. So while it might be out of reach from a financial aspect, the technology is there. I know in motocross, they send a GoPro out on one of the announcers or a competitor in the field and they provide the audience with a track perspective during a practice round. We could very easily do this for skiing.
  3. What if they strapped a GoPro on each of the skiers? Most of the new GoPro cameras have the ability to stream with a wifi connection, so it would be really easy to pick up the signal for a webcast. But I can see how it might not go over well with many skiers who are trying to make a living. Regardless, the webcast yesterday and Saturday was really great! What's really exciting is that the U.S Open webcast is going to be available next month!
  4. Hey guys, Wanted to share this movie that I've been working on for a pretty long time! It's my first long (almost 20 minutes) film. I'm moving to Orlando in November, so expect to see more skiing vids from me. Never stop skiing!
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