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Everything posted by Tyler_R

  1. I will come back and add photos tomorrow when I can get to some, but I've had good results with Bears' 501 cedar Nateraltone and proper preparation of the area. I re-apply every 5-6 years, and the entire process of prep and staining takes about 1-2 days depending on weather.
  2. @webbdawg99 watch out the Bama family might show up next year to take names.
  3. I'm in utter shock at the news, every time I met Andy he went out of his way to go above and beyond. The loss to our sport and to our lives as skiers is one that is even hard to fathom. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.
  4. Check the distributor cap and spark plugs.
  5. It keeps me in a more balanced place when I do a 1 handed gate as a LFF skier.
  6. @wish it's his new hair care product line launch. Get it right.
  7. It's sad to see change, but you never know what may come out of this. And to second @chris_logan 's comment, if it's a MasterCraft part Lex can find it and describe the wiring diagram to you from memory.
  8. But what will he do for skiing mojo now?!
  9. @webbdawg99 it happens all the time with people and my cooler. @03lightning come home for a visit or wait for me to have to hoof it out your way. Either way the first 6 pack is on me.
  10. @webbdawg99 @MattP @fizer put in your beer orders soon I'll be making a return trip that way soon enough. I haven't gotten my Whitestone fix all spring.
  11. @Horton admit it you get Nautique to do this every so often so that web traffic spikes and you can increase ad prices.
  12. @eleeski you have the right idea. And I know I'm one of the young guys in the crowd, but if we are going to grow the sport it's not through adding more specialized events. I as someone who grew up in a family of skiers love the big dawg. My former girlfriend hated the tar out of it. Whatever we do we should try and encourage 3 event not discourage it like many want to do.
  13. I've pitched trying to have a pro slalom only tournament to my 3 main livestreaming sponsors and they all keep saying no way. It's just my 2 cents
  14. I think that nationals should be 3 weekend events. One for each event, and that way you could play with the format a lot more. If you did that based upon last years divisions, in most cases trick and jump could almost be bracketed like the NCAA basketball tournament. And you could probably have a head to head finals for the slalom one. On the club transition I agree whole heartedly with @MrJones for years my family ran an open water club near our house. When my grandfather died the club died. I've been skiing at a different Openwater site since my return to Alabama and it's worse than getting a root canal to find and keep new skiers interested in the sport when there are only 2 or 3 people using the course and it's hard to find a time to come ski when one of the "members" is available. This move to private sites, and I do love most private sites, has taken a lot of people who used to ski Openwater courses and without easy acess for new people they quickly tire and move on to other towed sports.
  15. It is an interesting idea, but from the perspective of someone who has to sell events to sponsors every month I'm not sure a slalom only tournament is very exciting to potential viewers. I'm not trying to rain on your parade, but i think we need to be careful about creating an event, that I've heard described by several people I've introduced to the sport, as "fun to do but as entertaining as watching paint dry." I think that nationals should be 3 weekend events. One for each event, and that way you could play with the format a lot more. If you did that based upon last years divisions, in most cases trick and jump could almost be bracketed like the NCAA basketball tournament. And you could probably have a head to head finals for the slalom one.
  16. The body that rules over us doesn't love us.... /sarcasm They don't want to change so we need to elect new leadership if we want things to change.
  17. @Horton does long hair help win any of them?
  18. @Horton I would grow my hair out like yours
  19. When are you young kids going to learn school isn't for athletes :)
  20. Newer boats I have the dealership work on, my always sitting around old boat projects are all done by me.
  21. Why would anyone ever live there?!?
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