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Posts posted by sodbuster88

  1. My first observation is the ski, but then in the pics above, I look at head position and line of sight. I’m the last person to give advice…but years ago I trained with a ball cap on, sun bill pulled way down to train me to watch the horizon. Took my attention off the wakes and the boat and really helped with body position through both wakes. I still revert back to that old cap at times.
  2. Three of us now working from home and two of us are drinking a lot more starting at mid-day. I never thought an afternoon brew was at all practical while at the office. But I like it. They say it takes 21 days to both form and/or break a habit. The future looks a bit scary when we get to go back to the office since we are now in week four.
  3. My company is starting to burn through a mountain of cash to preserve employment for everyone. However, everyone’s merit increases have been killed and all 2020 bonuses paid in 2021 are killed. So income is def affected. If this thing has a longer tail, layoffs will be next. The good news is that we learned from the 2008 mess and set up a financial model to weather another one. Here we are....so let’s see how things go.
  4. Siliconed my carpeted bunks one fall on the last load of the year just before winterizing. My thinking was it would be easier to move the boat around on the trailer in the garage when I waxed the bottom...which it was. Come spring and first launch, I forgot about it and as usual, I unhooked the winch strap before backing down the ramp. BIG mistake. Kiddos sitting in the back seat didn’t help...got down the ramp half way and noticed in my rear view mirror the boat started to slide off the trailer with quite a bit of concrete left to go. I knew I couldn’t brake, but rather I needed to accelerate to counter the gravity pulling the boat off. By the time I got to waters edge, I was traveling about 10-15 mph backwards. I remember seeing how big the kids eyes were In the mirror as I was backing down the ramp at NASCAR speed. The boat made a huge splash and created a massive stern wave around the dock. Swamped the kids as the boat rocketed off the trailer backwards. Learned a few lessons that day LOL.
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