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Posts posted by EFW

  1. When I was speaking with perfect pass earlier this year they told me had there not been a chip shortage at the start of the season they would have had their own version out of that navigation appliance similar to surepath and the other system out there by Jim Dibella. I could be totally wrong on the name AKA perfect path. I could have totally misheard him on that. If it proves to be a marketable item they will have an integrated screen where you just switch screens at the touch of a button and you would flip from let's just say the slalom settings screen over to the perfect path screen similar to the sure path. It will be out this year, it will be a standalone system I believe he told me. It will be in a housing if you remember similar to the very first perfect pass system they sold. I'm sure you remember it was held on to the dash with velcro. Again please don't hold me to this I thought he said $1,200 plus or minus. But at any rate that's all I know. It's sort of funny though when I asked him if they had been planning anything new and additional in software for slalom and no at that moment he told me. I believe I was talking to Aaron. But the funny comment that he made was that it was so much easier working with the wakeboarders and surfers (wakesurfers?) Rather than the slalom skiers. Because he said they are so picky. Okay for what it's worth there you go
  2. @aquaman35 Hey Ron when are you ever going to come up to Teresa's? That was the first course I ever skied on in my life in 1984. I think Dave Holler put that in. I don't know if you'll remember he got killed taking a friend's cabover hydro for a spin in the fall years back on the river and it broke up and he broke his neck. It's kind of cool to ski there. If you fall on the side of the river rather than the island you can feel the current start pull you towards the falls.



  3. Want to hear a story about Mike Mello? I'm going to tell you anyway. I had just received my new KD7000 when they had just come out and Denny had practically given it to me. I couldn't do anything on it and didn't want to call and ask for my money back on it. I called Mike and asked him if he would trade me for a new EP. He told me yes --BUT-- before you do that he told me you better check the fin set-up because he told me everyone was raving about that ski. I can still remember his voice. I listened to him and the 1st time out I tried it, I ran 32' and couldn't believe it. THANK YOU MIKE MELLO!! Get well quickly
  4. Snapped my MOB plate at the lake Sunday. Sent Mike a picture while still out there. Plate was at my house Wednesday. After asking 3 times what I owed him and not getting an answer I finally figured it out. I'm the one that's responsible for the plate fracturing. I didn't screw down the front of the roxa boot (reflex) because of the bend of the boot itself. You just can't get it flat to the plate. I screwed it down under the ball of my foot. Too much stress there allowing the front to flex right behind the release socket and it broke. But once again I did it. Thank you Mike.
  5. @aupatking. I'm not trying to hurt your feelings. I'm just trying to give you insight as to how they operate. This has been my business for 42 years. It's like inside delivery or liftgate service with freight. Prices for those services are very high. Why? Time. Time is money. A water ski takes up more space then let's say a different dimension carton. Do you know what a UPS driver is given for a household residential delivery time wise? How about 2 minutes? From the time that key shuts off till the time that key turns again. And you will be questioned about it. I personally know guys that have been brought into the office over 45 seconds too long a delivery. When questioned they were given a chance to explain and then if you can believe this or not shown real time satellite surveillance to see if they were telling the truth. I'm simply trying to give you correct insight as to how the company operates and why they do things the way they do. It's all time and money and cubing out the package car with as many packages as they can.
  6. What's the number one reason though that UPS is much more expensive on a ski? I'll tell you why - they don't want to handle that kind of freight. " okay you want us to ship it -you're going to pay our price" They try to discourage shipments of that sort by setting the price high. It's not an accident. Also do not forget FedEx's parcel is non-union and their independent contractors. Their cost structure it's not the same. I am not knocking FedEx because they are a competitor and who knows I may have to work for them someday. I highly doubt it but I don't want to knock the competition. There are no idiots working at UPS whether it's the package car or the tractor trailer driver. UPS Christmas time jumpers that's a different story. UPS is the holy Grail in trucking. Working for UPS is like being in the Marine corps. They will fire you in a heartbeat. Oh yes you'll get your job back but in the meantime you can sit. They have the best benefits the best wages the best equipment. You're not going to find many fat guys working at UPS. They are very very selective in the type of freight they will handle. They just didn't arbitrarily set that price high. Think about this how many times did you see UPS come to your house to make a pickup? I'll bet not many. Same reason they do not want that. Volume loads is how they make their money. You know like picking up a loaded trailer at Cabela's let's say with 400 shipments on it. USPS FASTER EVERY TIME? Good luck on that one. Water skis? Maybe. Anything else -NFW
  7. I'm just curious - but does anyone remember from school reading about the 1917 Spanish flu epidemic? I think it was 675,000 dead in the US and worldwide the estimate was 40 million to 50 million. How much smaller was our population then in the US? I don't even think I've heard this mentioned at all with all this hysteria in the news about this daily. Could you imagine what the news would do today with a epidemic with those type of proportions.
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