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    John Claire

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  1. Ordered mine. Thanks for the link.
  2. Ahhhh... thanks for the tip on the hole pattern.
  3. Thanks for everyone's input. I'm going with the 68". Prior to the Phantom it was a 68" Connelly so it's been over 20 years with that length and no complaints. I also came across several comments here that said, "when in doubt, go with the bigger ski". Seems like good advice. The plan now is to transfer my existing Animals to the V-type, get accustomed to the ski, then decide if new bindings are in order. Of course, that will be some time after today's blizzard passes through.
  4. I ski in a course at 32 MPH, getting into 38 off. My weight is about 180 and, at age 61, that could go up a little in the next decade. I currently ski on a 2002 HO Phantom 68" but am considering a 2015 HO V-Type. I'm looking at the HO Ski Size Chart and the 67" V Type at 34 MPH is 160-190# and the 68" at 36 MPH is over 190#. If I skied at 34 MPH, no question that the 67" would be the ski for me. I'm trying to extrapolate what the weight range would be for 32 MPH and am getting 140-170 for the 68" and over 170# for the 68". Math tells me the 68" is better for me. Does anyone have an opinion about this?
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