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Posts posted by chris55

  1. @ballsohard I am 6'2'' and 170lbs, 41 chest and I did ordered a medium Evo2 vest. It was too small. I could zip it but couldn't breath....and with a wetsuit...no good. I have a large slasher but it is getting loose after 3 seasons and waiting for my large Evo2.
  2. @TonyLightfoot I started watching from the beginning, I live in Geneva and the whole webcast was really really great and "man alive" !!!! finally we had some great interviews with skiers. It was really nice to hear more about Dane etc...and the mix between you and Drew was awsome too, it was "organized" Drew would say !!!!

    Super job and looking forward for the next ones

    Quality was really good here in Geneva !!!!

  3. Hello Ballers,

    A friend of mine is moving from Geneva to Manhattan next month (min 6 months stay) and he started slaloming last year and he can run 15off at 30mph. He is 40+ I don't know exactly. My question is where can he go skiing near Manhattan ? Long Island or NJ or upstate NY ? He will have a car.

    Thank you very much for your infos and I will tell him to join BOS, it will be simplier for him.


  4. I have the same problem as many skiers has most certainly. As I ski on open water,I ski a lot on a defensive position and my hips are on my rear foot. The youtube video that Horton made last winter is helping me and IMO this is good material to read with GUT and other stuff. of course.

    For the beginning of the season, I decided to free ski a lot more and I have the time to think and feel my position and to correct it because I can make more than 6 turns. Practice will give me memories muscles that I can translate in the slalom....not really have the time to think when slaloming .....

    Good luck to you @ghutch

  5. I have a O'Neill psycho one 3/4 and we ski with water btw 43F (last week) to 48F (yesterday) open water in Geneva, and I have friends who ski with the blackteck camaro. The main issue is durability. The camaro will last 2 season max and mine is 2 seasons and is like new. Regarding comfort, mine is a bit thicker and so a bit warmer but the camaro is very comfortable and easier to put on. But if you have to buy a camaro every 2 seasons....than the O'Neill comes cheaper.
  6. @SkiJay me again, especially I basically ski on a open water lake and it is rarely calm.....because I am thinking that I might have a better and stable traction with a longer and deeper fin than yours.....and maybe not at all....I don't know and if you have some answers......I would really apreciate and thank you too (love your book by the way)
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