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Everything posted by danielarice

  1. I wrote to you last September after a crash that cost me four broken bones after a turn at 3 ball. The people who responded were helpful and encouraging so I'm writing in again for some suggestions. Last summer I was skiing on a Prophecy with stealth bindings @ 28 off 34 mph when an unexplained (still mystifying) accident occurred that resulted in a double compression fracture in my left heel and a double twisting fracture in my right leg. Not knowing how it happened (only some speculation) I want to start this year out on different equipment. I would like some suggestions on equipment that would be good for rehab free skiing. I'm hoping there is something out there that will be stable while gaining my confidence but will bite if I need it to. Thanks in advance Dan
  2. I stand corrected, I'll be checking into the OB4. Thank you.
  3. Hmm, I started out this season on my new set up (Connelly Prophecy with stealth bindings) and fully recovered from winter shoulder surgery. I had my fair share of falls but none were over the front mostly due to cautious skiing. Not saying OTF didn't happen but the boat mantra this year was "just let go" if things didn't feel right. We are all in our fifties after all. I'm sill wondering how my heel was crushed by going OTF. My thought is that I did hit a roller or something that made my ski skip and therefor a crushing injury followed by a collapse which resulted in the long bone breaks. There was a vote for Fogmans from LionL and Than suggest OB4's. I know that Fogmans are almost exactly like what I have and the OB4's appear to be kinda close ( correct me if that's wrong). My conclusion so far is put some padding in the Stealths and hope it doesn't happen again. Another guy I ski with followed Freddie Kruger's suggestion of some type of compression sole in his binding. He suggested it to me earlier this season. I wished I had listened. I'm certainly listening now so please keep the suggestions and comments. Hopefully out of this wheelchair and moving on to crutches next week!
  4. @ Andre Stealth bindings are Connelly's version of Fogmans. Basically it's a front and rear boot on a plate held on the ski with two pins. The idea is that your feet stay together and release from the ski in a crash. All the force in my accident came from the bottom up so I'm not sure any binding would have had a better result. Thanks again for all those who responded to this post and I'm all ears with binding suggestions for next season. One requirement I'm sure I'll want is some shock absorbent padding under my feet. Dan.
  5. @ HPskier1 Ouch! do you know what took place that resulted in two broken heels. I'm still trying to figure out if my ski skipped or I hit something.
  6. Thanks for all the helpful comments on this post. The thing that worries me the most is giving up the thrill I know all of us get achieving our best in the course and the friendship of the fellow skiers out there who know what I mean. Starting back slow and long gets me back out there with my buds and that's good enough. If I do get back on the course next year, I'm telling my wife and family "I'm free skiing" because the're ready to do an intervention if they find out. Thanks again Dan
  7. Thanks Than, The accident happened right after the turn. The pounding and fall happened simultaneous. We thought about hitting something but no evidence on the ski. Just looking for something to get my head right.
  8. I'm having trouble with the the thought of getting back in the course next year. I love skiing, love my ski group but can't risk being in a wheelchair again. This year I was skiing at my best (28 off @ 34 mph) making 4 and 5 balls. I'm skiing on a Prophecy with stealth bindings set to release with a wack of a hand. My ski buddies have commented on my body position and line management being much improved. I came around 3 ball seemingly comfortable and in balance then wham, I felt pounded from the bottom of the ski. This happened closer to 3 ball returning to the wake. Long story short, I broke my heel in my left foot (rear) and both the tibia and fibula in the right. The spotter said I went over the front but I think that happened as a result of the accident. All of us have gone over the mechanism of injury and have no idea what happened. Heel fractures are common to falls where you land on your feet. The Doctor says the tib/fib is a twisting motion. I'm 54 years old and never broke a bone in my life. With out knowing how this occurred and having what I assume is good equipment, how do I get back in the course with any confidence?
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