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Posts posted by h2onhk

  1. Background of the photos is suspicious. Maybe if it was in somebody's garage or out building....maybe But all white curtain backdrops? And an add that's ripe with "must sell now". That boat at that price needs no excessive verbiage to sell. Smells like fish.
  2. Wakeboard bindings typically mount at 2 points on base plate on the right and left side of the riders foot. I assume this is because of the riders stance the forces applied in those directions during different flips/spins etc. A trick ski stance, weight distribution, and body position is fundamentally different hence the baseplate mount is different. I guess if you could swap the wakeboard boot part onto a trick base plate it may work.
  3. What do you know about Ray Finkle?


    soccer style kicker graduated from collierd high june 1976, stetson university honors graduate class of 1980, hold two NCAA division one records, one for the most points in a season the other for distance former nicknamed the mule, the first and only pro-athlete to ever come out of collierd county, and one heeeellllll of a model american....


    sorry, couldn't resist

  4. I'm a little confused. The whole course sits in 3-4' of water and the rebar has been driven the into bottom like a stake to hold each of the buoys?? Or is it just the turn balls? How far is the rebar sticking up out of the bottom, 6", 12"?? the skier is potentially less than 3' away from impalement?


    Trying to think of ideas but I first have to fully understand the current situation

  5. -28 is my favorite for now. I free ski it a lot and can usually run it 9-10 times in the course.


    -32 only ran a handful of times. very scrappy. love it when i kill one of my onside turns and rocket to the next ball though


    -35 PB is 2. never even saw it this year.


    -22 meh....don't hate it, but don't love it either


    -15 early season free ski warm up getting back into ski shape. usually the first pass in the course as well. hate it. no feel from the boat and feels like the rope is a mile long. almost makes me lazy on the turns


    -39 free skied it once. felt like I could almost high five my kids in the boat. slack hits on the turns almost elongated my arms. cross course speed was incredible. have a hole new respect for skiers that run short lines

  6. I like this thread. I am always looking for ways to improve my driving to help out the guys on the other end of the line. How does the driver know when to ease the wheel away from the skier? If the skier is very consistent I can get in a good rhythm with them, but if they are late or inconsistent on turns or pull too long I find it harder to compensate early and find myself being reactive instead of proactive.
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