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Posts posted by lcgordon

  1. Thanks for posting @Chef23. Its nice to see where he gets on and off his pull and how he comes into the bouy. I have watched seths videos and he is so good that I cant replicate that. I watch @Horton video of the 26mph-36mph wake comparison. I feel like that helps me. But he is also pretty good and much better than I can do. Thanks again.
  2. May try Chet and Chirs out this year they are the same price basically and would not hurt to get both opinions I would think. Seth seems great but he is triple the price. Seems like he does a great job tho.
  3. Ok Thanks for the response and tips. First question to you is do you think that Im not pulling out far enough or am I wide and then gliding back in before I turn? If its the second one im not really seeing it. I thought when you turned in the most basic explanation is to just fall over.


    When I try to get wider I either have to pull out harder so there are two things that happen when I do that. I can either start my pull out earlier which seems to make me glide in towards the boat as im slowing down or I pull out at the same time and Im turning in with alot of speed.


    To my knowledge you cant pull out wider at when doing it at the same time without having to turn in faster. When I do that I also tend to have slack line because I pull so hard to get so wide.


    If you pull out early you will drift in unless you constantly keep on your outside edge to keep pulling out. Is that ok to do I thought you were not supposed to do that?


    Btw Im going to get some video coaching set up I just need to get better video. This camera mount is too shaky.


    Thanks again.


    Oh and even if I did do my gate perfect I still dont think it would help how uncomfortable and crappy i make my off side turn. If I put my weight back im on the tail of the ski and it wont turn and if I get weight forward the ski hops or almost stops and my upper body keeps going folding up up like a lawn chair and making it impossible to get back in a good position to start my pull. Even at 30 mph there is about a 50 percent chance I make 2 or 4 ball. Last year I was messing with binding position. (which now I know is not a good Idea) When I moved them all the way forward crossing the wake was better but I could not turn on either side at all. If I moved them back I felt like I could turn really well but I would jump the wakes. Im thought I put them somewhere in the middle but Maybe I still have them too far forward.


    Or I just need to work on form which I know is most of the problem.

  4. new video not sure if this link will work. I tried to make it shorter.

    Got some skiing in this weekend. First set before this was good water then the wind picked up. So I slowed the boat down to 30 mph i think or maybe it was at 32. Anyways Im trying to do better. My offside turns and pulls are really closed off. I think my pull is so crappy because my turn is so crappy. I cant figure out the turn. I dont think its because im late especially at 30 mph I get out there and im just waiting and waiting it feels like to get to the bouy then I have a crappy turn and have to make a hard onside turn and pull to get back over.

  5. I dont doubt anybodies ability to teach or ski. Im sure they are all great. I was just wanting options and to hear people personal experience and who they would recommend. And one of the last priorities is bang for my buck. Not a huge concern but I am thinking about it.
  6. Hi I was thinking about doing some video coaching and wanted your guys opinion. I watched the Seth example that is on this site and it looks good. I emailed him and he gave me some info. I also saw Chris Parrish does it also. Chris is 45 bucks a time and you can send him 1 pass. Seth is 150 bucks but you can send him 6 passes at one time and he makes a video for you explaining it. Is there any other people you would recommend or have experience with. Im not trying to cheap out but using Chirs I could give 3 different passes at 3 different times as I progress and need new feed back for the same price as Seth. But Seth seems like he may go into a bit more detail. Does anybody have any experience?
  7. I skied last night. Not the best water because of wind but it felt good. My buddy said It was one of the better if not best times he has seen me ski. I have been riding around in a good position and feel like I can hold it during the turn in. I bet I dont through the wakes but its a start. I maybe was doing better because the majority of the time I was not jumping the wake on my off side.


    On an unrelated note any body ever use d3 driver boots? Im concerned about coming out of the boots I have because I never have and think going back to a rubber boot would be safer. I have an old set that I used to use that where good but they are in bad shape and the holes dont line up on my ski but I liked them. There is a cheap pair right now on ski it again.

  8. Yeah time is what I dont have working 50 hrs a week and I get off got to the lake about 1 day during the week get their get my ski on then one wake board boat drives by screwing up the water. Then I ski the morning on the weekend and our lake does not open til 9 so guess what thats late enough that the wakeboarders have time to wake up and come screw me over once again. From about now until october us slalom skiers are pretty much screwed. I cant afford a private lake. How long does a portable course take to put up. We have other lakes that open at sunrise that dont have a course.
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