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Posts posted by storm34

  1. If helpful, here's my write up on our 01SN repower.  

    CCFan Repower

    540 will work but likely hit the rev limiter.  Send your 540 to ACME and add more pitch or buy a 422.  I ran the 540 for about a week then picked up a 422 from Skip. 

    Same driveshaft will most likely work. No issues for us going from a gt40/40a transmission to 409/80a.  Good time to switch to dual taper if not.  

    Engine cover is an easy project.  C&S had a carpet that matched our original equipment.  I kept our shim seperate from the engine cover so I didn't have to mess with fiberglass work and replacing engine cover carpet.  


    Tim White with Inboard Solutions in Montgomery County, Alabama was a great resource for us and gave me a few engine options.  



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  2. If you strike out with Skip, give the folks at Angola canvas a call.  They have Nautique patterns as well.  Lots of good options with rope/ratchet, platform covers, side skirts, etc. 


    Here's our 01 with an Aqualon cover from Angola Canvas.  With the transom ratchet, we really don't need any additional tie downs.  I use RoseBrand stage tie line in the rare event we need to haul with the cover on the boat or if I'm storing outdoors for an extended period of time. 


    Hard to believe this cover is going on 10 years old! 


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  3. Jordan had a "love of the game clause" allowing him to play basketball anywhere, anytime.  I would hope the waterskiing world would adopt a similar approach allowing skiers to set new records and/or advance the sport, regardless of sponsor influence or tow boat.  


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  4. @Hucklefin -

    Lots of detailed discussion on CorrectCraftFan a few years back with guys building high HP barefoot boats. I don't remember all the details but general consensus was it's not a necessity until you get up into crazy (600+) HP ranges. The 1" shaft shouldn't be an issue with this type of re-power. All new SN's & 200's with the 6.2 run a 1" shaft.

  5. @Bionaraq I'm a bigger skier as well at 6'5" and 250ish. My primary ski is a 69" Vapor with the double wing as mentioned above. I picked up a 71" Session this spring as a dual purpose ski - free ski for spring and something to teach some of my buddies (former football players) to slalom.


    To my surprise, the Session skied really well allowing me to rip countless turns and work on technique at slower speeds without the physical toll on my shoulders, back, hands etc. I'm a 34mph skier getting into 28 & 32 off once I'm in skiing shape and felt extremely confident applying the same skiing on the Session at 28-30mph.


    I would highly recommend the Session. Seems it'll give you the support you need on the starts while also allowing you to progress in the future.

  6. Worth it in parts alone for $500. If it's not completely rotten with soaked foam you may be able to enjoy it for a few years.


    I'm working on a 69 SN this winter as well. Stringers, floor & interior were done by a PO a few years back. She's going to be a family boat so were working to make her appear more original with some functional upgrades.







  7. Check the ski but I don’t think that’s the problem.


    You’re off the handle and reaching to the boat 2-3’ outside the white wash in both crashes. Your ski is going out towards the buoy your body is being pulled down lake. This separation is what causes the fall as the inside edge of the ski catches and stops dead in its tracks.




  8. All great advice above. Thought I'd share two things that have helped me break through to faster speeds and shorter line lengths. These are more the philosophical aspects of skiing rather than any major physical changes.


    1) Gate Shot - Listen to Rossi & Trent's podcast on gates, specifically the portion about timing of the turn in to the gates. Your position looks good through the entire gate but I think you can be more efficient (and connected to the boat) simply by adjusting your timing.


    Rossi talks about the relationship between the skier, ski & boat at the end of the glide (turn in) to the gates. This is rather interesting to me as it seems most skiers determine their turn into the gates based on their relationship to the buoys and are not focused on what the boat is doing at that moment. You get all your energy from the boat so it's logical to look at where the boat is when you turn in to the gates.


    Your pull out and glide look great - plenty of width and good body position. At the end of your glide, the boat seems to have already started to advance down course (in proximity to you) before you turn into the gates. While we can't see the boat in the video, the rope starts to fall back towards the transom and you're still pointed down lake. At this point, with your ski still pointed down lake, you're giving up energy to the boat and essentially behind the boat before the pass even begins.


    Rossi & Trent talk about having the ski turned in towards the wake as the boat starts to advance (pull away from you) down the lake. When the boat advances, you want the ski (and your body) moving towards the wakes so you can take advantage of the boat's energy, gradually increase load as you enter the white wash and have max pull behind the boat.


    Again, listen to the podcast as they do a nice job of explaining this theory which I've found incredibly helpful. Turn in should be determined by your relationship to the boat, not the buoys.


    2) Handle placement into the buoy - Listen to Will Asher's "The Water Ski" podcast with Matteo. Will talks about loading behind the boat and staying two hands long coming into the buoy. Cool theory for us longer line skiers who aspire to ski shorter lines. Handle management is a huge key to generating width. When the boat speed increases we naturally end up coming off the handle too early because everything seems fast.


    In both the originally posted video and the "earlier pass" you release (reach the handle) to too early. Off the pull behind the boat, you move abruptly to the inside edge of the ski, point the ski right at the buoy and reach to the pylon. Some call this giving the handle to the boat. At that point, you've lost all the angle and speed created behind the boat and become extremely vulnerable. Tip of the ski grabs and you get pulled over....abruptly.


    At these speeds & line lengths you shouldn't be relying on your reach to get the ski outside the buoy. As you come out of the pull, keep the handle close to your body which will help you swing out wide. For me, this is where you start to feel free of the boat and in more control at the buoy.


    All of this will allow you to maximize the boats pull, minimize the amount of body movement (reach) at the buoy and ultimately stay connected through the entire course. With this stuff in mind, watch video of Will Asher & Freddie Winter from the boat's vantage point. Watch their ski in relation to the boat at the gate, how they pull behind the boat and where they release off the handle coming into the buoy.


    The good thing is you're doing a ton of things right. A few timing adjustments and I think you'll be much more consistent and progress really quickly.

  9. @zskibum FWIW I've been trying to buy a Goodman trick for nearly 3 years now. Got as far as sending my credit card info and still nothing.


    Not trying to say anything negative here as I know Ron is busy and has limitations to his operation but just a fore warning. BUT....If you have more success than me please order two! I'll even pay you a handling fee!

  10. It'd be interesting to know how many hours each of you has logged in or behind the new Nautique as you make these judgements. I'm a die-hard Correct Craft fan and thought the new Ski Nautique was the most ridiculous looking money pit anyone could buy....until my buddy got his promo. We put 100 hours on his boat each year, most of which I was present for, and I became a believer.


    While I'm still not a huge fan of the aesthetics, the drivers and spotters experience are second to none. We spent the entire summer spinning skiers 2-3' from the shoreline on both ends of our club site (gravel pit) and had no issues with power, visibility or handling.


    As an observer/judge, we piled two wide comfortably in the observer seat for hours on end. Sure, it's probably a bit over the top with a lot of stuff you don't really need but it's still a first class experience.


    Lastly, at the end of the rope, every single one of our club members posted better scores behind the Nautique. My wife hates the price tag and isn't fond of the looks but absolutely loves the wakes.



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