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Posts posted by ScottScott

  1. Jodi Fisher's wrapped gate guide system just installed at Swiss to be used during regular skiing there (will be taken out for the pro event.) Hard to see in the shot, but it is a row of buoys even with the entry gates with buoys colored to correspond to the rope length you're on (15-35off.) It is a training aid to indicate proper width for pullout for the various rope lengths. Obviously you won't have it to rely on at other venues, but with that as a training aid you can see the relationship to the 2,4,6 buoy line when you're at correct width and get used to the feel of pulling to the correct width.


    Swiss gate guide


  2. I've been taught something like (if I remember accurately)...


    Based on feet beyond the 2,4,6 buoy line

    15 off....12-15 ft




    35off..... 0-3ft


    I think at 35 and/or shorter it becomes more of a concept of being higher on the boat. Transom? engine box? All the way to the pylon? It's easier to see and visualize width differences at longer lines, and at longer lines you aren't going to be as high as transom. Short line you'll be approaching pylon high.

  3. Its not about being subjected to it while i ski, although annoying enough. A man made lake I assume isn't so large as it would likely dissipate the volume of music being played from wake board/surf boats the way they commonly do, with towers covered with speakers aimed backward so the wake boarder or surfer can hear it (and everyone along the shoreline behind it.) Even if I like the music, I don't want to be forced to listen to it while in my own yard.
  4. Which way does that foot rotate? Its not uncommon for novice skiers to allow their hips to turn back and face toward the boat on their offside cross, which will naturally cause that back/right foot rotating counter clockwise, and that is a major cause of OTF wipeouts early on (not necessarily the foot rotation, but the overall contortion the body gets into.) ESPECIALLY on your offside you need to get your hips facing in the direction you are moving, and ski is pointed (some coaches promote that on both sides.)


    A good snug RTP should be fine with foot jammed in tight, but the radar HRT is a good option and doesn't have to be super tight so it would still allow a beach start.

  5. I would prefer the thread be removed as apposed to all of these meaningless posts that have been edited, leaving those of us late to the party to just sit here scratching our heads. And for someone that hasn't even finished his 1st cup of coffee, I'm REALLY confused.
  6. When Aiden Willers had his arm through the handle, he said he had thrown the handle away in an attempt to get it away from him. However he had lost track of which way was which and threw it away from the boat and it came back to him and caught his arm. I think best to hold on until the boat pulls it out of your hand.....if you can keep you're witts in the moment.
  7. Just as is the case with "impact vests" there is a bit of speculation as to the different possibilities in an accident. There really isn't any research or testing regarding vests and whether thicker padding will be better or worse when a fall impacts your ribs. Same goes with handle guards, except to say that if your head gets fully into the triangle in it is almost 100% fatal. So ANYTHING that keeps your head from getting fully into the triangle is better than nothing. We do have one documented situation where there was a handle guard and the handle still caught his chin and caused damage needing a long recovery. This can likely be minimized by a stiffer guard, so if your head hits the harder plastic guard it will minimize the chances of the handle grabbing the chin.


    Then there are arguments that if your arm gets in a guard may prevent it from coming out, or that a rubber coating may minimize damage etc, but less space for your hand to get in may prevent the arm from getting in in the 1st place. All of that is pretty much speculation and theory, so for one person to say it is that way has to be taken with a grain of salt..... ANYTHING is better than nothing, again pretty much preventing the head from getting in and almost definite fatal results. I feel less space for an arm to get in the better, and agree that a firmer plastic to minimize the chin getting caught on the bar is better also. But again....all is just theory.

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