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Everything posted by Alex2016

  1. Hello guys, I just bought a Reflex white cuff with a 840 release and r style back foot. My Ski is HO CX Superlite 69. My question is the the front boot position. HO measures from the tail to boot end, but Reflex measures to the ankle screw. Has anyone experience with this sort of combination. Thank you very much.
  2. Hello Guys, thank you for all your input and ideas. @mmosley899 As soon the doctors have cleared me I will get in touch with you.
  3. How is the heel support in the reflex r style?
  4. Yeah that sucks indeed. Thank you for the link and your comment.
  5. Hello, this is Alex. I know this topic is probably very old or has been already discussed a few times. I started to go into the course with 55 km/h. I am skiing a HO CX Superlite with two Radar Vector Bindings. 10 weeks ago I had a really bad front fall after the second wake and both my feet were stuck in the binding half way out. Result: I broke four bones in my right foot, surgery 13 screws and now start to learn walking again. I am keen to go back asap but with that experience I don't want to use the Vector again. I prefer a tight boot because of the control. I am thinking about change to Reflex Supershell with R type rear or to OB4 System. Both systems look very impressive. The Reflex is proofed many times, but the OB4 seems to have more ways to release. About the OB4 I heard some rumours that the company has been sold.?.? What are your recommendations or suggestions. Thank you
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