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Everything posted by MuskokaKy

  1. gotta love that Florida hospitality! lol
  2. great thread! (N) heading to mccormicks next weekend..always afraid one is lurking underneath me. Afraid whenever i go down. LOL. It may be freezing in Canada but its nice to jump into the lake and not be scared lol. Having nightmares tonight. thanks @Horton !!
  3. @elliehorton - do you what line length and speed was ran in the course ( 2:45 of the vid). seems like a pretty cool crossover!
  4. @Obrienslalom, thats the best feeling! it will only get better from here on out! congrats! greats goals!
  5. great interview!! love this type of stuff!!
  6. Sweet ride! congrats @Shell !!!! @RAWSki that should keep you in the good books for a while ;) #radarnation
  7. agree with @bulldog and @Mrs_MS @A_B my point exactly. at what point do you look for a new one? and does hours dictate that for you? if not what does? ( curious as im in the market for a gently used new to me tug)
  8. @Horton i hear what youre saying. and i know thread in reference. Sweet boat! what im saying is that hours and miles arent comparable. an hour of idle time isnt tracked on a vehicle, but it is on a boat. and now WE ( the collective community) say that idle time equals miles....it just doesnt make sense to me but ive had this discussion before. using the 600hr MC. lets say 20% is under 1000rpms...why are we saying that 120 hours of idle time is equal to approx 8,000miles? hard to agree with personally I saw someone say they wouldn't touch a boat with 500 or 600 hours and sadly i have that same mindset but I cant justify it!! the math isn't there... lol. Its been the years of hearing "any other over 400 don,t touch unless you knew the guy personally" etc etc...but never any backing behind it. It would be great to get a retired professional or former industry engineer to give us their opinion. Dont know if we have any retired gear heads or those who had hands on development of the motors at all...i say former or retired for unbiased and non-conflict of issue thoughts / opinions.
  9. I don't really understand how anyone can compare the two. Boats need to have their own life expectancy. its like comparing apples and oranges. Going back to Horton's post. 50hrs oil change for boat; 3000miles for car. So if you drive your car 3000miles straight (without stopping per say) its X amount of hours. but if you city drive and stop at lights, keep it running while running while you run in to grab something, warm it up ( for those of us north) etc etc, these are HOURS not be calculated into MILES. i can let my car sit for 20 hours in the driveway running and equates to 0 MILES. boats are tracked from the time they are switched on. Unless there's some genius who can break down the RPM usages to hours for both with valid proof of wear and tear and breakdown I don't think we have a discussion or comparison.
  10. @Bill22 i did both actually. ran a few open water passes and then ran two on the course. line-22 speed 32. was looking for something to have around for my friends who aren't great skiers but are good enough you know...I felt a lot of stability and a lot of water underneath me. my buddies would be looking for something like that i think. Also watched a vid / pics of @jMacSkis rippin a butterknife for a promo vid i think. He made the ski look fun for everyone.
  11. @Thomas_Gustafson is there much a difference between the butter knife and Katana? took the Katana for a rip this year while waiting for new bindings on my senate and it was a blast to ride. I would recommend that ski to anyone getting into the slalom game. #radar
  12. @bishop8950 more pics please. looks AMAZING! super jealous!! congrats!
  13. @paco there was a beauty 6.2l blue and white prostar on SIA. was posted yesterday. looks great and only 112 hours. should meet your specs. keep us posted @Horton i did read the latest thread on long links...im tech challenged when it comes to that so out of respect no link!. i got it the first time ;) haha
  14. This was the only one that met your specs....minus the color LOL, on SIA i see quite a few low hour 5.7 on SIA. some promo and some not. Good luck on your search and keep us posted on what you find and for how much.
  15. @wtrskior - Congrats on the PB!! jealous on your FL trip. Had to cancel my Nov trip due to work but will get down Feb and April to make up for it.
  16. @6balls - @Horton has been talking about an Eagle BOS version vest. I think they said on any Eagle model but dont quote me. @Horton whats the status of the baller vest? Looking for two for some neighbours to the north; and ya thats how we spell neighbours up here LOL. Hopefully before the x-mas season. Everyone loves their eagle vests! Baller Vest
  17. So will there still be 2017 ( meaning current design not the new VIP design) promo boats? For the 2016-2017 tournament season skiers can look forward to Centurion Carbon Pros at sanctioned Regional and National events all over the country. The Carbon Pro continues to pull all five Regional Championships and the National Championships continuing its place as one of the four official approved tournament towboats.
  18. @osuskiiershea it was on their website a month ago, so this is something very recent. I had been looking into a new CB and even reached out to @Horton last month to ask him a question about them. I had never seen a back seat in a Carbon pro and even on their website, their pics didn't show a back bench...so i reached out to @horton to see if it was an option...and it does come with a back bench in case you are wondering. Anyways, Glad to hear they are keeping it around!
  19. @Stewy you're a champ bud! packed it in here in Ontario two weeks ago unfortunately. could probably get a week or so more in though. Keep on rippin' it!
  20. Id be interested. What eagle vest is that exactly? i can try and size one around here just to confirm. @Horton when do you think you will be rolling these out? In time for x-mas i hope!
  21. Great webcast. Thanks for the Link. Surprisingly good quality too!
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