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Everything posted by 1skinut

  1. @Minelickskier We finally made it back to Center Hill Lake for a couple of days. We loved the Mine Lick Creek course. It is in a great wind sheltered cove with plenty of room for the setup. Thank you for sharing! Beautiful lake!
  2. Ruptured twice: 1 slalom and 1 barefoot. Ear was slow to heal. My hearing is now good except when there’s a lot of background noise.
  3. @georgert Does it feel like you have water in your ear? If so, do not use swimmers ear or alcohol in your ear. Get your ear checked out today.
  4. @Minelickskier Thank you for the information! We hope to visit Center Hill again later this summer.
  5. @Minelickskier Could you give the location of those 4 Center Hill slalom courses? I skied the one not too far from the state park a couple of years ago. The left turn near the shoreline for the setup made my boat driver wife a little nervous. Any recommendations on which one we should try next time?
  6. @m_pags How far is the lake from Fort Myers? I would be happy with any zero off boat, slalom course, and a bathroom if it isn’t too far from Fort Myers and priced competitively. I would be interested on a per set basis. I’m in Fort Myers a few weeks every winter
  7. @keithh2oskier I snapped a screen print from a video. It sounded closer than it looked. We went to the dock soon after the picture. The storm wasn’t far behind us.
  8. @scoke @chef23 I often see comments to get higher/wider on the boat. Could you provide an example of how wide you get based on feet outside the 2 4 6 buoy line or based on skier angle from the pylon at 28 and 32 off line lengths?
  9. I have an extremely hard foot to fit. I wear an 11 4E and have a high in step. I ski with an XXL animal on an HO Syndicate. I'm looking for a new releasable binding due to a dislocated peronneal tendon. I don't live near a ski shop and don't ski tournaments so I haven't had a chance to see current technology. I could still run 28 off 34 mph last summer but I wasn't as consistent as normal because I'm now afraid to tighten the laces on the Animal. Do you know of any ski shops that offer mail order demos on bindings?
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