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  1. So; combining everyone's opinions- it seems like the 65" 2016 Senate Alloy with RTP is my best bet
  2. Also, is a double boot safer? What about a hybrid for an option?
  3. @Orlando76 I'm interested. However, doing some very brief research it seems like it's a pretty advanced ski. I've never been in a course before. Any other opinions?
  4. Thoughts on a Strada for what I'm looking for? There are plenty of them.
  5. Something pretty forgiving. Chances are I wont be in a course, but still want good performance
  6. @jjackkrash ski-it-again looks promising. no 65" senates though. Any other skis that come to mind?
  7. How about boots- do I go with the double boot?
  8. @Bill22 I've been looking at the 2016 Senate alloy. I do have a budget. I noticed it doesn't have a wing on the fin in the picture. Do I need one?
  9. Fairly new to skiing. Just skiing public waters the past few summers. I'm usually using my dads ski. It's seen better days- probably 25 years old. I'm a light kid, only 130 lbs, and I'm starting to get some decent cuts in. However, I think the ski is holding me back a lot. It's far too long, and I'm sure it doesn't meet the standards of today's skis. I'm looking for a ski that can really get me starting to make some nice turns. I've looked around, been interested in the Radar Senate, but I'm just not sure. That's why I'm here.
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