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Everything posted by 4droberts

  1. @CP43 damn!! Nice skiing bro! How are you, been too long. And @skibrain yes i think that is the Pylon Griping CP is a big Boy!
  2. @Luzz thanks man. I set it up for now in the centered location which places the heal of the front Binding just a 1/32 forward of John Horton's recommended number.
  3. Hey John when Measuring to the Heel of the front Binding, this may be a stupid question, but do you measure to the trim Piece at the Bottom of the binding, or to the Rubber heel portion of the binding itself? That would affect the number by 1/4 easy.
  4. Thanks. That was my plan. Just wasn't sure why mybindings were back a hole. But I'll measure that front binding tomorrow. How do you like the HO hardshell. Was thinking about running that in front with my approach in back
  5. Thanks John. Long time, any suggestions on fin set up? I actually never changed my A1 from 36 to 34.2. I'm wondering if I should just rip it out of the box?
  6. Ok so I went to switch my existing bindings from My HO A1 onto my new 2017 HO VTX and I noticed my bindings were set 1 hole back. My question being should I move them as they are or re-center them on the new ski for best assessment.
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