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Everything posted by raynard_io

  1. @sunvalleylaw I agree. After reading about MasterCraft's origin story, it seems like the founders had some "differences" in opinion with Correct Craft. The wiki article states, "The owners took a Ski Nautique manufactured by Correct Craft, hung it from a tree, and cut off the back of the hull in order to modify it to their preferences". I'm looking for one of those Jeremy Jones tear-jerkers that glorifies the passion for skiing.
  2. Hey! Just got back from a ski training trip in SC and I'm hooked. Being a novice, I have a lot of questions about my technique, equipment, mindset and so on. While off the water, I'd like to keep my mind sharp and engulfed in skiing. Are there any particular books or documentaries that every skier should read or watch? Any books out there about the origin stories for the ski manufacturing and boating industries - aside from the Wiki articles? I've subscribed to Waterski Mag, will be purchasing The Fin Whisperer shortly, and pretty much followed the entire ski industry on Instagram. Best, Dan P.S. - I'm always game to meet up with some IL, IN and WI skiers.
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