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  • Preferred boat
    19 Boston Whaler Guardian
  • Home Ski Site
    Clark's Hill Lake
  • Real Name
    Chuck w
  • Ski
    Maheraja 66 38 OFF
  • State
    South Carolina

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  1. Ski brain...My old unknown wooden ski is like family, but I do appreciate and understand your perspective about newer technology and improved dynamics. I actually find it exhilarating and fun, and quite adequate for my skill level and age - hah! That said, I own a Maha 66 38 Off, run the buoys in younger days, and successfully skied some fairly modern slaloms - great gear but just doesnt make old man smile like "olde faithful", which is the only real name for it since no one has yet identified it's true maker. I appreciate your suggestion, and will take high tech under advisement for my grandkids. Thanks, Chuck
  2. Scott, yours and mine sure do look related....can you post pic of thick side under main boot, and pic of bottom? Thanks!!!
  3. Those MasterCrafts sure are awesome looking! I'd love to buy one! Perhaps my next boat. Thanks for sharing the link. Two pictures in this thread that made this old mans blood pressure go up in a good way. ( : >
  4. Couple other side notes...a fellow skier mentioned a Nash ski might be a match, but I'm looking for photos and conclusive proof on if Nash could be the maker. Also, I googled Bassett and found a couple pictured on a performance boats forum....the Bassetts pictured sure resemble the ski footprint of mine, but are modern...not wood....I'd like to see a wood Bassett...that could be a match...?
  5. Thanks LP...great insight. I have a Maha 66 38off and you are exactly right on the boot, markings, and I didn't know about the 2 layer rubber. Many years ago I wrote to Bob Maher...before the internet...and while I wish I could find his handwritten letter back, he seemed to think it wasn't one of his...I didn't send him photos in the mail...just drawings/sketches. He suggested I investigate Velbro, if my memory serves correctly, but I haven't found anything at all about Velbro. I will do some searches and investigating on the Bassett and other names mentioned here, and I sure do thank you all for the feedback. This is an interesting puzzle for me, particularly in that I'm planning on restoring the ski and would like to have the correct markings on it..correct name. The ski is awesome on the water...a little heavy...but has tremendous bite and the biggest rooster tail I've ever seen. Hah! It's also flattened me many times when I got too big for my britches on the whip and I just couldn't control the juice.
  6. Hah, I hear ya! It would pain me to sell that old faithful slalom friend! I'm almost 60 and can still get up on it and cut like a crazed olde farte madman! Heh heh
  7. Hi all, first time poster on this excellent forum! Was hoping you experts could help me identify a ski I've owned since about 1974. When I bought it for $20 back then, I did so because I liked it...it really is an awesome ski, and I've put hundreds of miles on it. There aren't any identifying marks on it, and has the original boots on it. It was plain brown on top, and in the 1980s I had it custom painted, thinking maybe it was a Maha. The artist painted it Maharaja instead of Maheraja, which was incorrect, but I got the work done cheap so didn't worry about it. All of that said, it's laminated wood ... Maybe mahogany and ash, ebony perhaps. It is unusual in that it's thicker under the main boot and gets thinner towards the ends. I wondered if maybe it was an early Maha, O'Brien, Vogue, etc, but after looking at like 100 different ones on the web, I haven't been able to identify it, and was hoping one of you kind folks could give me some advice on what I have. Not sure how to post pics but I'll study on that and see if I can figure it out and get some pics available. In the meantime, I put several pictures on Craigslist here so you can view this ski: https://augusta.craigslist.org/mat/6210548544.html Thanks, chuck in Aiken, sc
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